'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 1: 'Last Wedding' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 1: 'Last Wedding' Recap Jess is reluctant to go to their 11th wedding in a row. Schmidt reminds her that it has been 4 months since her and Nick were a couple, and weddings are a good opportunity to get back out there.

Schmidt pulls everyone (including Winston, who is sore from Police Academy and can barely move) in for a pep talk. He informs them that it is the last wedding of the summer and they all need to get laid.

At the wedding, Schmidt encourages Jess to go after the cute best man.

Coach gets in trouble when he tries to hit on a waitress, who he already fooled around with...

Schmidt sees CeCe come in and panics. She was supposed to be in Australia. Jess goes up to see her and whispers that she doesn't want to tell Schmidt that CeCe broke up with Buster quite yet. Nick tells Schmidt that he needs to forget about CeCe and continue his summer of sex.

Jess introduces herself to Ted, the best man, when another hot lady, Kat (Jessica Biel) intercepts and joins the conversation. Ted goes to talk to one of the kids quickly, while Kat rattles off a list of her qualifications, intimidating Jess. As a scientist, she explains that she is a better option of mate for Ted.

Jess goes to the guys for help. Winston suggests she just "be there." She takes him up on that advice, and lurks around Ted, annoying Kat.

Schmidt and Nick go to talk to two bridesmaids, but Nick panics when one says she wants to have a four-way with all of them. Coach has hooked up with just about everyone at the wedding and is getting nothing but hate.

Kat and Jess follow Ted to the bathroom, where Kat knows exactly what Jess is doing. Jess runs into the bathroom in an unwise decision to embrace "Biden-ing" whole-heartedly. Kat holds the door shut on her.

Nick talks with CeCe and finds she's now single. To him this means he must participate in the four-some to help keep Schmidt's mind off of CeCe. Schmidt shakes his hand but backs out of the mix when he realizes how rough Nick's hand is. Nick accidentally spills that CeCe is on the market again.

Nick goes to the bathroom and finds Jess hiding in a stall. He tells her she's the last hope - everyone else is going home alone.

Jess goes up to Ted and lays it all out there for him, and invites him home. Kat tries to trump her by showing him a naked picture. Ted can't make up his mind. He takes so long to decide that the moment passes and both girls are over it. Kat goes home with the priest.

Everyone else goes back to the loft and rips up all the wedding invitations.