'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 9: 'Longest Night Ever' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'Longest Night Ever' Recap Winston has had an epiphany. It's time to get back in the game and find some women. He asks Nick and Jess to watch Ferguson, even though they're having date night at home.

Schmidt comes in and starts eating an entire cobbler. CeCe and Coach are going out that night. He insists he is fine with the situation.

Coach is nervous about his date. Schmidt makes him feel better, which backfires when Coach says he's going to gun it for CeCe. Nick says that Schmidt is going to intervene, and they need to keep an eye on him. Date night is canceled.

Coach goes to pick up CeCe. He's super awkward.

Winston's attempts to talk to women at the bar, and ruins it. He returns home in defeat, where Nick and Jess are babysitting Schmidt. He looks for his cat and realizes that Nick left the window open, and Ferguson is missing. Nick and Winston go to look for him, leaving Jess with Schmidt despite her protests.

She tries to distract Schmidt from thinking of CeCe. It's not working. Jess decides they need to take Schmidt out and meet real women, since he's now kissing the sectional.

Nick and Winston search for Ferguson. Nick points out Winston has been sort of pathetic lately. Winston gets a text - someone has found his cat.

Coach is failing miserably with CeCe at a basketball game, trying way too hard and being aloof.

Jess throws Schmidt at a woman and goes to watch him. He tells the woman his story, and she gives him a sign when Jess isn't watching him. He dashes off to ruin CeCe's date.

Nick and Winston go to retrieve Ferguson from a woman who likes to stay home with her hamster. She hits on Winston, who is surprisingly interested by how "real" the woman, Bertie, is. Winston asks Nick to take the cat home for him so he can stay and see how things go with Bertie.

Schdmit stops on his way to grab desserts, so he doesn't show up empty handed. Meanwhile, Coach is busy texting someone else. CeCe gets pushed too far, throws her popcorn on him, and goes off. Coach chases after her and tells her he was texting his mother. He was super nervous about the date, having just gotten out of a relationship.

Jess finds Schmidt running down the road, arms full of chocolate. She tells him he has to let CeCe go. He admits he knows this, but the only way Jess can stop him is to hit him with her car. He taunts her and she taps him with her car. He starts to yell at her, and police sirens start. She panics and guns it, hitting him for real.

He's okay, and explains to the officers that Jess was just being a friend. They see Coach and CeCe kissing outside. They decide to wait it out, and eat chocolate while watching the two make-out.