'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 7: 'Coach' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 7: 'Coach' Recap Coach texts Nick. He wants to come hang out. Winston thinks that means he broke up with Malia - he finds a girl and disappears, that's Coach.

Schmidt is there, stealing their stuff. He also gets a text from Coach, clearly not aware of the changed situation. Coach appears, ready to party.

He admits he broke up with his girlfriend. Strangely, he doesn't seem to remember Jess. He calls Winston "Shrimp Forks," for having small hands. Coach suggests the guys go to a strip club.

Jess pulls Nick aside to discuss that she feels uncomfortable with him going to a strip club on a Tuesday night. Coach notices, and points out that Nick is whipped. He agrees to go, because he and Jess never had the "talk" about being boyfriend/girlfriend.

Jess is furious. She declares since they haven't had the talk, including the "seeing other people" talk, she's going out that night.

She and CeCe go to the bar and talk about how stupid men are. CeCe suggests she make Nick jealous.

Jess mentions she does have a guy from the coffee shop who gave her his number (Taye Diggs!). She just happens to keep his number in her phone.

The guys go to the strip club. Coach is ready to party all night, but the others are getting tired.

When Jess walks off, CeCe calls the hot coffee shop guy. He comes to the bar and gets Jess a drink. Jess blurts out that she has a boyfriend, but CeCe insists she's free as a bird. He removes her stray eyelash, tells her he understands and that Nick is a lucky man, and goes.

CeCe gives her a pep talk, reminding her that Nick is probably not being so innocent at the club. Jess calls Artie back. She and Artie chat. She finds out that he owns the coffee shop and is sexy and mature.

Winston has accidentally withdrawn $2,000... in Bunny Dollars which can only be used at the bar and gift shop at the strip club. Schmidt and Nick decide they need to do a shot contest to try and knock Coach out, but it's not working. Jess calls Nick and hears him insulting her to Coach. She'd fed up by how immature he is and hangs up.

Artie, who does not drink, offers to drive Jess and CeCe home. CeCe thinks it's a bad idea, but Jess wholeheartedly agrees.

Coach tries to talk Nick out of his relationship, but Nick says Jess is amazing. He has to go home to see her. Coach starts to cry and confesses that Malia dumped him.

The guys take a cab to go home... only Coach takes a detour. He wants to beat up Malia's new boyfriend. Who is a cop. Coach goes into the police station to confront him.

In the back of the cab, Schmidt and Nick argue and Nick smacks him.

Artie brings the girls back to Jess' house, and he uses the bathroom. She admits to CeCe she wants to hurt Nick for not saying he is her boyfriend. CeCe reminds her that she and Nick have something good, and she was putting her issues with Schmidt onto Jess.

The guys get out of the cab to get Coach. Nick yells that they are adults now and have to grow up. Malia's boyfriend comes out and Coach tells him to take care of Malia. He is rude to Coach. The boys decide to grow up tomorrow and yell insults at him, until other police come out. They run.

Jess goes looking for Artie and finds him naked in her bed, waiting for her.

The guys get home. Jess hears Nick come in, and CeCe tells Jess she will stall him while she gets Artie dressed. She fails. Nick goes into the room. Jess tells him nothing happened, and he says he believes her. Nick punches Artie out after demanding he get out of his girlfriend's bed. They put him in the elevator.