'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 19: 'Fired Up' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 19: 'Fired Up' Recap Schmidt has moved himself back into the loft, broken by the money he put into Abby's storefront.

Jess wakes Coach. She has gotten him a job at her school.

Winston and Nick help Schmidt move all his stuff into the storefront. A customer comes in thinking it's a store. He goes to look around, and falls and breaks his arm. He threatens to sue.

Coach actually enjoys working for the school. Jess, meanwhile, is picking up extra responsibilities here and there, hoping that down the road she can get promoted. Coach laughs at her enthusiasm but her unwillingness to just ask for a promotion. He takes her to the gym and tries to sports motivate her to ask to be vice principal.

Schmidt can't afford any legal help. Winston suggests Nick represent him. Schmit has no choice.

Jess goes to the principal and tells him she wants the position. He gives it to her immediately. Happily he hands over a ton of paperwork.

Nick preps for Schmidt's deposition, and doesn't do well. Schmidt fires him.

CeCe flirts with a handsome boy at the bar, until her boss interrogates him and finds out he's only 20.

Jess consults with the principal regarding the budget. He tells her they need to fire some people, meaning new hires. Coach is the newest hire. Jess is forced to do it. She tells him the news as his students run in with a monogramed jacket they made for him.

At the loft, Winston refuses to speak to her. Nick tells her how Schmidt fired him, and as Jess talks it out for him, she realizes what she has done to Coach.

Nick runs to Schmidt's deposition and of course is awkward and unprepared.

Jess and Coach get a drink and he forgives her. He talks about the children he will miss. Jess begins to cry. She decides to get him to the game the kids are playing.

Schmidt's accuser wants to settle for $20,000. Nick refuses, he has a plan.

Coach rallies his kids, and Jess begs the principal to find a way to keep him there. He finally agrees when he sees how happy the kids are to see Coach.

Nick sits in the chair and knocks himself down screaming he will sue. He then tells them he'll drown them in paperwork forever, since he has nothing better to do. They agree to waive the settlement.

CeCe's hot kid, Buster, comes back to ask her out. He tells her he opened his own business building boats. He is extremely charming, and she agrees to go for coffee.