'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 18: 'Sister III' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 18: 'Sister III' Recap Abby and Schmidt invite everyone over for brunch. Abby shows off the jewelry she has been making with loans from Schmidt, interested in opening up a store. Jess gets a little jealous of how Schmidt and Abby are still in the honeymoon phase.

Later Jess suggests to Nick they take the next step and actually live together, since they're more of a couple than Schmidt and Abby. Nick reluctantly agrees.

Coach talks with Winston about how he and CeCe have been hanging out, and she's treating him like one of her girlfriends. He's actually enjoying it. Winston preps for the LAPD physical exam. CeCe grabs Coach and they run to snoop on Abby, but get caught by Schmidt. CeCe tells Schmidt that Abby is bad news, and she's worried about him.

On their first night living together, Nick tries to change in front of Jess, but finds it difficult. He's never changed in front of a woman. He puts on his long shirt... basically a nightgown... that he hasn't worn in front of her yet. Jess busts out her book light to read, distracting Nick from sleeping. He turns around and puts his feet on the pillow, which Jess hates. She gets up and goes to her room, but finds Winston has made it into a workout room.

Jess reads her book on a stool in the elevator. Abby finds her. Jess pretends it's a volunteer position. Abby talks about how she and Schmidt used a hotel, and have it for another day, so Jess and Nick should use it.

Winston feels prepared for his exam, except for the rings, since as a kid, Nick pulled down his pants while he was on the rings. Nick complains to Winston about moving in with Jess, but she runs in and tells them she's staying at the hotel... for a field trip.

Schmidt, Coach, and CeCe spy on Abby in a bad neighborhood, as he has been talked into distrusting Abby. He changes his mind and starts to drive off and hits a parked car. They get out to check it and find it's a hobo's home. Abby finds them and CeCe yells at her about bleeding Schmidt dry. They demand to know what is in the box she is holding. It's zippers. When they turn around CeCe's car is gone.

Jess is thrilled to be alone at the hotel. She revels.

Winston tries to practice the rings on the beach outside the hotel, but panics when a little kid goes by him. He goes in to complain at the desk and finds Jess enjoying herself.

CeCe and Coach get coffee and he tells her she's being a lunatic about Abby. She goes to Schmidt and apologizes. He tells her he's going to help Abby lease a store for her jewelry, and CeCe pretends to be supportive.

Although he promised Jess he wouldn't say anything, Winston goes to Nick and confesses about seeing her at the hotel. Nick confronts her, and they find out neither of them like living together. She admits she wanted to be close like Schmidt and Abby.

Abby finds Jess day drinking, upset about the differences between them. The two of them talk about how each other are better in relationships, and Abby realizes she relies too much on men.

Nick and Jess agree to move back out until they are ready. Schmidt comes over to tell them that Abby is moving out to live with her mom, to save up and become independent. He wants to move back into the loft since he thinks Jess and Nick are in the same room now, trapping them.