'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 13: 'Birthday' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 13: 'Birthday' Recap CeCe brings Jess a birthday-eve cocktail at the bar as they discuss her plans for her big day. Usually Jess just goes to the movies alone, a self-imposed rule since she tends to have ridiculously high expectations that are never met. However this year she will be spending the day with Nick. Jess is determined to be chill and be happy with whatever happens.

CeCe tells the boys Jess has no idea they are planning a party for her. It's been hard for Nick to keep it a secret, but he managed it. CeCe is covering Nick's shift, which bothers the guy she will be working with, since she is proving to be a very bad worker.

They ask Nick what he has planned for the day before the party, but he hasn't thought about that. He thinks she will want to sleep in so he won't have to worry about anything until noon.

Jess wakes at 7 a.m. sharp, ready for birthday festivities.

He finds Winston has made a mistake with the cake (a gun that says "See you in Hell Boomer"). Nick instructs him to fix it, and tries to slow down the day with Jess. He suggests a nap but she wants to go outside.

Schmidt goes to check on CeCe at the bar. She drops a glass into the ice bucket, angering co-worker Mike, who is gay and can't be swayed to forgive her with looks.

Coach is dominating birthday decorations, but Winston is still floundering with the cake. It's becoming a competition and a bake-off is declared.

Nick, meanwhile, is at a total loss for what to do with Jess and takes her to a drug store.

CeCe is getting yelled at for not knowing how to make drinks. Schmidt talks her through an old-fashioned. He tries to help her tap a keg, but she ends up spraying Mike with beer. He yells at her and tells her she can't do anything right. Schmidt tells her she is strong and confident and she can do anything. CeCe cleans up the bar and throws her apron at Mike to go to the party.

Nick brings Jess to a park but can't think of anything to do. Jess tells him if he has no plans, t's fine. Jess rounds a corner and finds someone else's birthday set-up. She is sure it is for her and settles in eating a cupcake. A group of children show up and yell at her. Jess is upset but tries to not be, pretending she is chill but runs home crying.

She interrupts Winston and Coach, who hide their cakes and decorations as she sobs on the couch, angry at Nick and at herself for being angry. Coach distracts her as Winston runs balloons into the closet. He calls Nick and Nick admits Jess has no faith in him and that's not inaccurate.

Winston and Coach's cakes have merged into one, and Nick is back ready to tackle the party. He finds Jess has gone to the movies.

Jess goes to the movies to get popcorn with a ton of butter. The previews come on - it's Nick, and he tells her to look under the seat for her card. Nick sits next to her and she reads her card. The lights go on and all her friends are in the theater. The movie continues - it's an homage to Jess by all of her friends, family, and kids. Winston and Coach bring in their cake... but Jess is missing. She has gone to the lobby and is crying.

Nick comes out and apologizes for being so cheesy. Jess kisses him and tells him it's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for her.