'New Girl' Season 3, Episode 10: 'Thanksgiving III' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'Thanksgiving III' Recap Coach confronts Nick about his Thanksgiving dinner e-vitation. It's ridiculous. He asks when Nick lost his testicles. Nick is wearing Jess' pajama pants.

Nick goes to Jess and suggests they do some masculine camping for Thanksgiving instead. Jess is on board as long as they can have a nice dinner. They recruit the reluctant Schmidt and Winston.

They drive to their camping spot. CeCe pulls in after them, surprising Schmidt and Coach. CeCe's not thrilled at the setup but Jess promises to save her if things get awkward.

Schmidt, who has never been camping, has done research online on camping. He tells Coach to consult him with any questions. Winston and CeCe join forces in their hatred for camping.

Jess opens the cooler and finds only beer. Nick tells her they're going to hunt and forage for their dinner. He preps the men on hunting, and tells the women to forage.

Coach, Schmidt and Nick go out, looking for meat. They build a "bear" trap. Schmidt builts a squirrel trap and catches himself in it, hurting himself. Coach makes him a sling. He admits he was an Eagle Scout, but didn't want to make Schmidt feel bad.

Jess tries to follow directions, but it sucks. CeCe pulls up a store on her phone, and they go there, agreeing only to get things they would otherwise find in the forest. They bring things back to the site and put dirt on them.

Nick brings back a fish that he found dead in the river. He finds a sticker on one of the apples. Nick is mad, but Jess tells him the one thing she wanted was to all sit down together and eat.

Nick cooks his nasty fish alone, while Coach and Schmidt compete at making a fire. Jess goes to try and placate Nick. He admits that since they started dating he's been acting girlier and doing her girl things. Jess eats some of his fish. Nick demands she spit it out but she chews with determination. She goes to "look" at something in the woods.

Hallucinating and gagging, she runs off. They chase her. She falls into the bear trap, and Nick dives in after her. The rest of the group tries to decide what to do. Schmidt tells Coach to just figure it out, he's better at everything, including dating CeCe. Coach tells Schmidt CeCe wouldn't come up to the loft with him, and won't talk to him now.

CeCe tells them to shut up and make a pants rope, as Jess is getting increasingly delirious. Nick carries Jess on his back and they are pulled out of the hole.

They go to the ER. Jess wakes up feeling better. Nick apologizes to her.

In the waiting room, Schmidt helps Coach with some advice for CeCe. Nick comes out with an idea, and they bring in food to Jess' room to celebrate before the day is over.

They all eat the meal together.