'New Girl' Season 2, Episode 10: 'Bathtub' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 2, Episode 10: 'Bathtub' Recap As the boys are watching wrestling, Jess comes in, with bubbles and wine, to try and convince them that they should get a bathtub.

“Baths are medieval filth caldrons. Pass.”

Schmidt's boss goes to see Schmidt with a project idea—vitamin infused vodka. If he pitches it well, he can get promoted.

At the bar, they cheers to Schmidt sleeping his way to the top while Nick eyes the girl has has a crush on, who he calls “Thirsty.”

Winston finds Jess and tells her he’s on her side about the bathtub.

“There are parts of my butt only a tub can clean.”

He suggests that they split the cost and hide it on the roof.

CeCe comes in. She just broke up with Robbie. She had told him she had to start getting serious about having kids, and it ended.

Schmidt gets pretty smiley about it, but she shoots him down that she has to get serious.

“Your hair. I’d eat it out of a bowl.”

Schmidt, preparing himself in the bathroom, admits to Nick that he is in love with CeCe, which everyone knows.

Winston and Jess set up the bathtub on the roof. It doesn’t go well. It breaks, sending water through the roof, and destroying Schmidt’s rack of suits.

The three-some loving handyman comes and fixes the roof. Jess remembers that they have renters insurance, and they decide to fake a robbery.

Thirsty is at the bar again. Nick debates crossing the bar—even though nothing good comes of it—and goes to see her, after she has a fight with her boyfriend and he storms out. They drink whiskey and Nick tells her to dump her boyfriend. They flirt.

Schmidt is pissed at the robbery. Good thing he has a security camera. Winston panics.

Schmidt goes to see CeCe—with a pigeon in a box. He admits that he loves her, and has for a long time.

“I used to think it was just a heavy like. But it’s love.”

He tells her he is ready for a commitment. He’s up for a promotion. He wants to have kids.

“I’ll convert to Indian.”

He asks her to dinner, despite her hesitation. And she says okay.

Jess finds Winston in his underwear on the roof. She thinks he is having a panic attack but he insists it’s just the willies.

Thirsty’s boyfriend comes into the bar, screaming about Nick. As he threatens Nick, Thirsty knocks him out. She tells him they’ll bring him to her work so he can get stitches—she works at a strip club. She’s a stripper. Thirsty gets in a fight with another stripper, and as Nick breaks it up, he wonders why he broke the bar barrier.

Schmidt pitches his Double-V vodka to his boss. His boss decides that to make sure he knows it, he has to do a shot for each vitamin. He hesistates, knowing he has to meet CeCe, but she pressures him.

Jess tells Winston that she is claustrophobic, hiding in the closet while she tries not to freak out. The door sticks while she shrieks. Winston begins to panic.

Schmidt shows up late and drunk to CeCe’s, happy that he got the contract. CeCe isn’t happy to find out he was drinking with the boss he slept with. He passes out on CeCe… who calls her mother and tells her she is ready to be set up with an Indian boy.

Jess brings the handyman in to have him fix the closet door and free her. She tells Winston to come to her next time she has a panic attack.

She and Winston pretend the meth heads came back and tied them up, and returned the suits.Clean.

Winston cracks and tells Schmidt he wants a tub. Schmidt doesn’t care. He told CeCe that he loved her, got drunk… and now she’s going brown. She’s going to marry a brown man.

They hug him. Somehow freed of their restraints.

Thirsty comes back to the bar. Nick tells her he broke his rule about crossing the bar. She sits on the bar, and kisses him.