'New Girl' Season 2, Episode 20: 'Chicago' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 2, Episode 20: 'Chicago' Recap Jess comes in with balloons from a guy in a van. Winston, Schmidt, and Jess huff the helium.

Nick comes in and tells them that his dad died of a heart attack. He has to go back to Chicago for the funeral. They give him their sympathies in high voices, and hug him.

They go to Chicago for the funeral and to see where Nick grew up. The airline lost Schmidt’s bags, and he’s concerned about his lack of funeral outfit. Winston warns Jess that Nick’s family is a little crazy. Inside, everyone is yelling about soda vs. pop.

Nick hugs his mom, who tells him he’s there to plan the funeral. At Jess’ surprise, Winston explains that Nick helped take care of the family with his dad in and out so often. Jess goes to introduce herself to Nick’s mom, who seems a little put off. She tells Nick that Walt had wanted a funeral like Elvis’. She asks him to do the eulogy.

Jess finds Nick in the office, crunching numbers. She is again surprised to see him being responsible. She asks if she can help, and he tells her to write the eulogy.

Winston dresses Schmidt in Walt’s best suit, but Schmidt freaks out. He says he can’t go to the funeral. He’s scared of death. Winston lies on the bed and pretends to be the corpse, so Schmidt can practice approaching him. Schmidt tells Winston what a good friend he was, but when Winston moves, Schmidt panics.

Jess talks to family members trying to get information for the eulogy, but they’re more interested in if she’s sleeping with Nick.

Nick is having a hard time getting an Elvis funeral thrown together on a budget and in a short time. Jess tells Nick she can’t write the eulogy, she needs him to do it. Nick insists she be the one to do it. Nick storms out.

The funeral is starting, but no one can find Nick. Luckily he shows up; he met a man at the bar who can dress up like Elvis, and he wrote the eulogy… drunk.

“Walt Miller. Am I right?”

Jess decides she needs to sober up Nick and tries to get things under control. She asks Schmidt to stop asking people If they can smell the body.

Schmidt peers in the room and sees the cousin trying to steal back Walt’s gold chain, which he swears belongs to his father. They fight over it, and Schmidt realizes he’s not afraid of the body.

Jess wipes Nick down with cold water. She assures him she is not mad at him, and is there to support him. Elvis comes out of the stall, barely able to walk upright. Jess chases after him.

Nick’s mom asks Winston what they can do to save the funeral, since Nick is missing. Winston runs up and begins to tell everyone that Walt would have wanted a party, but when he sees the body, he begins to wail and cry.

Nick’s mom comes to check on things, and sees drunk Elvis. She decides to send everyone home.

“I’d rather not have a funeral if it’s not going to honor my husband.”

She goes and tells everyone the funeral is over, but Jess, dressed as Elvis, comes into the church. She begins singing. Nick, Winston, and Schmidt come up and see her, and watch smiling.

“I’m gonna hit her,” says Nick’s mom.

Nick steps in, sobered up. He says that Walt would have liked it. Nick goes up to the pulpit and begins to talk about his father.

Jess comes up beside him and holds his hand. She continues singing, and has him join in. The entire church begins to sing.

Everyone says their goodbyes. Winston escaping with a few mementos from Walt. Nick’s mom gives Jess a peace-offering bag of cheese puffs.

She tells Nick she’s glad he has someone to take care of him.