'New Girl' Season 2, Episode 14: 'Pepperwood' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 2, Episode 14: 'Pepperwood' Recap  CeCe walks into the kitchen in a robe, but it’s not that she is back with Schmidt, it’s just that their plumbing is clogged at her place so she's hanging out there.

Jess comes in to tell everyone she has made a breakthrough with a student, and does a dance that earns her a trip to put money in the “annoyance jar.”

She tells them how her adult writing class went, and how she has a hard time connecting to them. Her student, Edgar, however, turned in a great story.

Winston shuffles in, and accidently bumps into CeCe which results in her rubbing more of him than she needed to and making things awkward.

Nick reads Edgar’s story, which is about stalking someone who he calls a deer, and stabbing her, and bathing in her blood. He tells Jess that the man is psycho, and Jess shouldn’t be in a room with him twice a week. He decides to investigate him.

Winston goes to talk to Schmidt about the accidental “pogo-ing” that happened between him and CeCe in the morning. It turns out that a "pogo" involves more than just skewering people in the mornings... it's that thing they do that everyone talks about when they're not around.

Jess talks to her class about their creative imagery assignments. Nick comes in with a fake accent to join the class. He calls himself Julius Pepperwood. He introduces himself to Edgar. Nick notes that he is doodling a stabbed deer.

After class, Nick drops Edgar’s bag and steals his notebook. Jess tries to steal it back, resulting in a very weird exchange between her and Nick. She tells Edgar Pepperwood is her uncle.

Schmidt tries to find out what his “pogo-ing” is. His mole? His eyebrows? Peeking in on showers? He’s desperate to know what it is they talk about when he’s not there. CeCe come in and tells him it’s his barnacle toenails.

Nick has arranged Edgar’s notebook like a crime investigation. He decides he’s going to Edgar’s for more evidence. Jess goes so she can bail him out of jail. They go to Edgar’s house, arguing over a safe word. His mother comes to take the trash out, and they hide. Then Edgar drives up in a plumbing van, and drags a suspicious duffel bag out into the garage.

They peek through the barn. Jess’ phone goes off loudly, and they book it.

Jess and Nick come home to find Winston and Schmidt trying to do something about his toenails. They tell Nick and Jess they have pogos too. CeCe wants to know her pogos. Nick tells Jess hers is that she’s a know-it-all. They tell Nick they don’t laugh about his pogo, because it is that he doesn’t take care of himself. They put vitamins in his food and take turns hiding money in his pants.

Nick goes back to Edgar’s shed, trying to get in through a high window. He sees a bunch of doodles that appear to be Jess. He calls her to tell her she’s the deer in his story. Edgar comes in to her office hours as she’s on the phone and she screams the safe word—apricots.

Edgar tells Jess he founds his ending for the story. It’s pretty risky though. He tells her he based a character on her. And the only way for the story to end is for her to die. He pulls out a notebook quickly, scaring her.

Her phone goes off, and he recognizes the song. He runs off. Jess calls Nick to tell him he’s leaving, and Nick is relieved she is still alive. Edgar’s mother hits him from behind with a shovel.

Edgar stands over him, telling his mother he’s not a burglar, he's Julius Pepperwood. He goes to move him into the house, but Jess bursts in and tackles him, screaming he’ll have to kill her too. Edgar’s mother maces her.

Outside, Edgar explains he’s just a graphic artist and a writer. Jess compliments his mother, who is…not his mother... on raising such a bright guy. The "mother" and Edgar make out.

In the kitchen, Nick is trying to take care of himself by putting butter and salt on bacon. Jess notes his new story, about Julius Pepperwood, Zombie Detective, who has a partner, Jessica Night, who is a know-it-all.

Nck manages to set kitchen on fire. Jess waits as they try to douse it but tells them that they have to smother a grease fire but she didn’t want to be a know-it-all and tell them that. Winston hugs them but accidentally pogos them, and runs off. They point out he farts when he runs. New pogo.