'New Girl' Season 2, Episode 25, 'Elaine's Big Day' Recap

'New Girl' Season 2, Episode 25, 'Elaine's Big Day' Recap Jess wants everyone to be ready to leave; she’s ready for the wedding and as the Maid of Honor she wants to get there early. She has her father take a picture of them… Bob makes sure Nick is nowhere near Jess and he makes fun of his suit. Nick gets annoyed, everyone fights, and Bob ends up with a picture of just Jess.

Nick meets Jess at the hotel in a new, nicer suit he borrowed from Schmidt. Jess tells him she doesn’t believe any of the things her father said about him—they’re at a wedding together, after all.

Jess tells CeCe it’s okay to be nervous but nothing will go wrong. Schmidt accidentally opens the door while looking for the bathroom and sees her in her wedding gear. She looks beautiful. They share a long look.

Schmidt runs back to the friends and tells them that she told him with her eyes that she doesn’t want to get married. Jess tells him he will bust him hard if he continues making eye conversations at Cece.

Schmidt is sure they must sabotage the wedding. He tries to recruit Winston and Nick. Winston is on board but Nick obeys Jess and refuses to get involved.

The wedding begins. Shivrang rides in on his white horse. Nick notices Schmidt looking shifty and asks him not to mess with the wedding. Schmidt accuses him of changing himself for Jess. Schmidt says he will call it off… but then he triggers Winston, who blares a horn and the horse runs off with the groom.

He gets wrangled eventually and returns. The ceremony starts, and Cece walks down the aisle. Suddenly the romantic music changes to “Cotton Eyed Joe.” Nick finds Winston and shuts his laptop. Jess runs in and finds Nick, and assumes he is part of the plan. He defends himself but she says it is exactly something he would do.

Nick goes and finds the guys. He tells them he’s in for phase three.

Shivrang and CeCe put garlands of flowers on one another. Schmidt bends over Jess and tells her they went too far, and it’s bad. He says it was Winston’s idea. He mumbles that Winston is in the air ducts with a badger (as a college team and their mascot are also staying at the hotel). He’s going to drop it on the priest. Schmidt says when Nick got involved it became too big, and Jess realizes her mistake. She calls him. He tries to answer, but Winston wrestles him, and the badger escapes the cage.

Jess hears yelling and decides to go in the ducts.

Nick and Winston have been separated in their search for Bucky the Badger. Jess finds Nick and apologizes, but he says he will always screw things up and he belongs with Winston in the air ducts. He tells her he is a mess and makes her admit that she is, a little, worried about them being together. They fall through, and the badger drops and runs among the audience. Winston calls out his location from the ceiling as Jess tries to fix things. CeCe tells her not to. She tells the guests she can’t go through with the wedding. It’s not what she wants. She wants to be with someone else.

She looks at Schmidt, who glances at Elizabeth. Shrivrang admits he wants to be with someone else, too: Elaine. He doesn’t care what his family says. Elaine stands (Taylor Swift), and the two run off together.

Afterwards, Nick tells Jess that she’s right about her fears, even though she apologizes. He tells her to call it. They had one night. She does.

Elizabeth yells at Schmidt that he clearly has feelings for CeCe if he would sabotage the wedding. CeCe comes over and admits it was Schmidt she means she wanted to be with. They tell him he has to choose. He want to sleep on it. They tell him to decide and he runs.

Winston finally emerges from the ducts. He and Nick grab a drink at the hotel bar. Bucky has ravaged his arm, but he wants to be filled in. Nick tells him he and Jess ended things. Now he’ll drink, because that’s his mood. Winston points out that was his dad’s move too. Nick runs off to find Jess, outside. She tells him she wants to un-call it. She’s not ready to give up on… whatever it is. They kiss. He takes the car keys from her and they drive off… somewhere.