'New Girl' Season 1, Episode 15 Recap - 'Injured'

'New Girl' Season 1, Episode 15 Recap - 'Injured' Things got pretty real on "New Girl," you guys. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

It all starts when Nick gets a back injury after being tackled by Jess during a game of touch football. Jess takes Nick to see her sometimes-present lesbian gynecologist friend, who tells Nick that he should take some pain pills and stop whining. However, she makes another discovery while Nick is there: he has a growth near his thyroid.

From there, the gang starts acting like Nick is already on his deathbed, while Nick acts like everything's fine. Eventually, though, he gives in and everyone gets plenty drunk and commiserates about Nick's condition and likely death.

Then Jess, spurred on by Nick's accusation that she's "never real," accuses Nick of never doing anything. Ouch. That does prompt a trip to the ocean so that Nick can jump in, which is basically what he moved to Los Angeles to do.

A night spent on the beach leads to the next day and Nick's ultrasound (which apparently works like an MRI, as long as your doctor is a gynecologist), which turns out to be negative and everything is fine. The gang pays for Nick's expenses, and Nick vows to start shaping up. Will he really? We'll see.

Notes & Quotes:

- Nick's lack of a wallet. Of course he keeps his stuff in a zip-lock bag. He's Nick.

- The rap battle. Epic. Schmidt should attempt to rap every episode. Also, I'm still thinking "Nick Miller Nick Miller" in my head.

- Cece and Schmidt's "perfect butt print" moment. Cute, I think?

- Winston's awful car. That was a pretty awesome awful car. Whoever put that prop together had some fun, clearly.

- Jess and Nick have a moment! Finally, back on track.