'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 9: 'Heat Wave'

'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 9: 'Heat Wave' There's a heat wave in L.A., and no A.C. in the loft! Until Reagan buys one. This render's Nick's elaborate cooling inventions useless. He refuses to go in her room with everyone else and enjoy the cool air.

CeCe is supposed to audition for a spot on gas station television, as she has been taking reporting classes at the community college. She decides not to go, however, and Schmidt supports her decision. Winston calls him out for coddling her.

Reagan tells Nick to stop being stubborn and to come enjoy the A.C., but he refuses. She tells him she knows he was trying to impress her because he has a crush on her, which he vehemently denies. She gets increasingly concerned about him, as his refusal to get cool in her room crosses into dangerous territory. She decides to smoke him out by making it even hotter in the loft.

In the nice cool bedroom, Schmidt continues to coddle CeCe, and Winston cracks down and gets tough. Using his "cop voice" he demands she tell him why she won't go to the audition. She admits she's worried she might not be good enough. Schmidt finally gets tough with her and demands she go to the audition, and she storms out.

Nick sees Reagan's concern for him as her having a crush on him. She gets annoyed arguing, and they fight over the circuit breaker, shorting out the entire apartment. Winston sends them to the basement to fix the power. They manage to do so, but then a rat jumps on Nick and he flips out, knocking around and accidentally blacking out their entire block.

He wakes up on the street, having been mildly electrocuted, and Reagan makes him admit that she is right, he does have a crush on her, but he knows nothing will come of it. She kisses him.

CeCe comes back and tells Schmidt she did go to the audition, but it was horrible. Not because she isn't good enough but because she got super drunk first. She thanks him for pushing her.