'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 13: 'Sam Again'

'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 13: 'Sam Again' Jess has a new job (on a trial period) at a progressive school. She goes to check it out and loves it.

Nick, who always has a habit of getting sick when Jess starts a new job with children, gets sick. Schmidt, CeCe, and Winston quarantine him in his room so he can't get anyone else sick, since they all have important things coming up. CeCe sneezes... and she ends up Saran-wrapped into the room with Nick.

Things are going great at the hippie-dippie progressive school, and the principal Genevieve and Jess are hitting it off. In fact she thinks, even though it's early, that Jess may just be a perfect fit. So she's happy to introduce her to her partner.... Sam.

The same Sam that Jess once dated, now bearded and beaded. It's awkward.

Schmidt helps Winston get ready for a date, and stresses the importance of this date as his first one since Aly broke him. It will forever define his new dating style. He warns him not to screw it up. Winston panics and fakes sick, entering the quarantine with Nick and CeCe.

Jess doesn't know what to do about Sam and Genevieve. Everyone suggests she just leave it alone and not make it worse, but that's not her style, so she shows up at Sam's with food to discuss it with him.

Irritated by Nick and CeCe, Winston admits that he's not sick, and that he's scared to go on his date. He's not over Aly. He won't like this girl as much. CeCe coaches him to give other people a chance. Winston decides to go on his date, but they inform him Schmidt will never free him from the room. They help him escape, though in the elaborate process he manages to sneeze on Schmidt's work tablet as Schmidt is practicing his pitch in the living room. Later, during his pitch, he gets sick, ruining work, but Winston's date goes well.

Jess apologizes to Sam for how their relationship ended and asks him to put in a good word for her with Genevieve. Who is also there. And whose gut is telling her things won't work out with Jess. She begs for five minutes to talk about things with them. Genevieve reluctantly agrees and they discuss what happened. Jess is deeply apologetic for what happened between her and Nick. However it seems Sam can't move on unless Nick apologizes to him.

It seems unlikely, since Sam also punched Nick in the throat. Jess begs him. Sam apologizes for punching Nick, and waits for his apology. Nick stammers out something that's not quite an apology, and mention Sam's beard. Sam gets worked up and manages to punch Nick again. Genevieve is horrified by his violence.

Jess manages to convince them all to sit and share their feelings. Nick refuses to apologize for kissing Jess. He liked it and they dated and had a great time together. Sam admits he had a hard time opening up to people and Jess sent him down a bad path, and he is still trying to figure out who he is. He doesn't like the laid-back guy he has become, and he has no idea what to do with himself. Genevieve is actually touched by his honesty and his breakthrough.

But then she dumps him. Sam storms off.

The good news is, Jess got the job by proving her ability to break down feelings barriers. She still feels guilty about Sam, however, and shows up with brownies to apologize and tell him he was right and they were great together. He squishes her brownies in his hand and tells her to get out of his life.