'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 10: 'Goosebumps Walkaway'

'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 10: 'Goosebumps Walkaway' It's Reagan's last day at the loft, and probably the only opportunity for her and Nick to have sex. They go into her room, only to find Jess has returned unexpectedly.

Jess happily informs them that the trial is over, and that she fell for a mysterious juror 237. She's determined to hunt him down but has no personal information on him. Nick ends up spilling that he and Reagan have been an item, and races off. Reagan tells Jess that Nick is acting super weird lately.

Nick, meanwhile, is planning his goodbye to Reagan, hoping his final words to her are a "goosebumps walkaway" and will haunt her. He enlists Schmidt to help him.

Needing to avoid Nick's weirdness, Reagan agrees to help Jess track down her mysterious juror. They race all over L.A. following minute clues, having discovered his name is Gary Garcia. However the trail goes cold. Jess reminds Reagan not to lose her "Gary Garcia," and Reagan finally admits she has legitimate feelings for Nick. She tries to tell him, but he throws out a crummy goosebumps walkaway line and hides from her.

Jess goes onto national television to discuss the trial, with her voice and face disguised, and finds out she will be speaking with another juror. She realizes it's Gary, and the two exchange their information and agree to meet up. While watching this, Reagan feels she missed her chance with Nick, and calls him from the airport to turn his goosebumps walkaway line back on him.

Jess finally gets her date with mysterious juror 237, but, unfortunately, now that they can talk about their lives, they both realize they have nothing to say.