New 'American Horror Story' Trailer: Adam Levine is in the Future!

New 'American Horror Story' Trailer: Adam Levine is in the Future! The first full trailer with actual footage from "American Horror Story" season two ended up being mostly a bunch of short clips and sound bites. It was enough to give us an idea of the themes of the new season, but not enough to show us some juicy pieces of plot or character.

This new trailer fixes that. You want actual dialogue? You got it. You want James Cromwell being scary? Here ya go. You want to see if Adam Levine is any good at acting? Voila.

Speaking of Adam Levine, here's an interesting reveal: the trailer shows us that his character is actually visiting the Briarcliff Asylum more around the present day, many years after it has been closed. The rest of the action takes place in the 1960's, so we can probably assume that the story will jump around in time, much like the first season did... only this time, the bulk of the action takes place in the past, with short jumps forward to the future.

Either that or Adam Levine dies very quickly. Or he travels in time. Neither is particularly likely, but you never know.

Oh, and one last thing: James Cromwell is going to be super creepy, and poor Evan Peters is going to have a really rough time this season. Operations without anesthetic? Color me horrified.

Check out the new trailer for "American Horror Story: Asylum" below: