Netflix and Amazon Pass on 'Hannibal'

Netflix and Amazon Pass on 'Hannibal'

Hang in there, "Hannibal" fans: these are dark days, but all is not yet lost.

According to series creator Bryan Fuller, the recently canceled NBC show will not be finding a new home on Netflix or Amazon.

"I'M SORRY TO REPORT @amazon AND @netflix HAVE PASSED ON #HANNIBAL S4 BUT WE'RE STILL INVESTIGATING POSSIBILITIES," Fuller wrote (in his trademark all-caps) on Twitter. The streaming services were two of the show's best hopes for surivival, especially as Netflix has been known to pick up defunct projects like "Arrested Development" for new episodes.

However, fans shouldn't give up the ghost just yet. "Hannibal" still hasn't gotten a definitive answer from Hulu or Yahoo! Screen, both of which have been aggressively pursuing original content. Yahoo! Screen picked up "Community" about a year ago to give the fan-favorite show a sixth season despite lackluster ratings, and considering the show even came from NBC, the precedent is there.

Meanwhile, the #SaveHannibal hashtag has been going strong on Twitter and Tumblr, where the show still enjoys a fiercely dedicated fan base. Will it be enough to save the show? Hopefully we'll have an answer soon.