Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis Lesbian Sex Scene Entices Moviegoers

Todd Williams/Wire Image   via E-Online

Since the production of Black Swan, the movie has already gained media attention and many speculated that it would be an Oscar winner.

There is no doubt that Black Swan is one of the Best movies of the year considering the fact that Natalie Portman who plays the lead role received nominations from Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award which a success not just for the actress but for the movie as well.

However, the movie can’t be truly successful by just receiving awards, it should be seen and appreciated not just by award giving bodies but by majority (millions) of moviegoers worldwide.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the newly engaged actress said that one of the problems of the production is how to entice the moviegoers to see a ballet movie.

Portman recalled, “Everyone was so worried about who was going to want to see this movie, I remember them being like, How do you get guys to a ballet movie? How do you get girls to a thriller? And the answer is a lesbian scene. Everyone wants to see that.”

The film’s director Darren Aronofsky made a dark twist in movie and added the lesbian sex scene between the rival ballerina between Nina (Natalie Portman and Lily (Mila Kunis) to add more thrill and attract the moviegoers.

Director Arinofsky creatively and effectively added the sex scene in the movie to show the dark side of Portman’s character. The movie is truly a work of art and wonderfully terrifying.

The movie will really get into your head and you can’t blame Natalie Portman when she said, "There were some nights that I thought I literally was going to die, It was the first time I understood how you could get so wrapped up in a role that it could sort of take you down."

Her role in Black Swan was difficult and there’s no doubt she deserves to be recognized for her performance in the film.

The lesbian sex scene is just a twist for you to check out…the movie and the performance of the actors is really worth watching. You got to see it and be a judge…do you think Black Swan will win an Oscar Award?