Art Thou Sarah Connor? Nashville Theater Company Aims to Stage a Shakespearean 'Terminator 2'

You might be a James Cameron superfan. You might have seen "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" 50 times. But you haven't seen it quite like this.

The Husky Jackal Theatre Company in Nashville, Tennessee is planning a rather unconventional performance this year: they're going to do a version of "Terminator 2" entirely in Elizabethan English, just as if Shakespeare himself had written it.

The title? Terminator the Second. Brilliant!

This isn't just a case of "hey, let's re-write this movie script and make it sound all fancy" either: the company actually took lines and phrases from actual Shakespeare plays and put them together in a new context.

The result is a complete script for the story of young John Connor, his mother, and the T-800 sent back into the past to defend them against the T-1000, all pieced together from actual Shakespeare text. The only stuff that's changed are some nouns and pronouns (obviously you have to change some of the names).

The production has its own Kickstarter page, where they are taking donations to help them reach their goal of $3,000 to put on the production. If you think it sounds like a good idea, head on over and pitch in yourself!

You can read a bit of the script in the image below. It definitely sounds like Shakespeare!