Naked Sandra Bullock Slaps Chelsea Handler...

Naked Sandra Bullock Slaps Chelsea Handler... I don’t know what the point of this way, but you know what? It’s got a pretty healthy proportion of side boob, and that’s enough for me.

Sandra Bullock guest starred on “Chelsea Lately,” popping up unexpectedly in the show’s introduction. Naked. In the staff showers. That’s right, folks. Naked Sandra Bullock, with only some mild pixilation standing in the way of her and those award-winning lady bits.

Oh, and Chelsea Handler’s naked too.

So why did Bullock stop by? Apparently to scold Handler into pulling herself together.

 “What you need to worry about is pulling your sh*t together with this fancy new station that you have that I think is a sham,” she snapped. “The whole theme of this message is that you are a huge disappointment… you have a responsibility to be a role model. A role model to young girls, and gay and questioning men. Okay? And you need to lay off the booze. Lay off the booze.”

She offered some helpful lady advice as well.

“Stop sleeping with your guests. Stop it. It’s beneath you. That is why I have not done your show, I do not want to sleep with you.”

 But, more than anything, she apparently was there to protect Oprah.

“I never called myself ‘The White Oprah,’ I was misquoted in Serbian Vogue,” Handler defended herself.

 “When you interrupt me, it’s like interrupting Oprah,” Bullock retorts.

Does it get weird? Yes. Does Handler get slapped? Twice.

What did Handler say on shooting the oddly funny, but morally pure scene?

“Note to self, when doing a nude scene opposite a semi-good-looking Academy Award-winning actress, do not eat a foot long meat lovers hoagie.”