MTV in Trouble (Again) for 'I Just Want My Pants Back'

MTV in Trouble (Again) for 'I Just Want My Pants Back' MTV can't seem to catch a break from the Parents Television Council. Last year, the network saw its freshman series "Skins," which was adapted from a very successful UK show, attacked by the PTC over its inappropriate content. Eventually the show was cancelled after some advertisers had been strong-armed into pulling their support.

The PTC is at it again, this time with MTV's new show "I Just Want My Pants Back." The group is complaining about the show's sexual content, just as it did with "Skins." PTC president Tim Winters said, "Once again MTV is taking HBO-style content and marketing it to a Nickelodeon-age audience."

That's a bit of a stretch: "Pants" contains no nudity, and all sexual content is included for comedic effect. It's most often not glorified in any way. Additionally, while MTV's target audience is young, I wouldn't call it "Nickelodeon-age" young.

That argument aside, there's another reason why "Pants" doesn't deserve the same attack that "Skins" got: the age of the characters. While "Skins" focused on the sexual activity of high schoolers, "Pants" focuses on 20-somethings who are all well out of college. Shouldn't sexual content be okay for them?

In all of this, the PTC's odd choices of targets is remarkable. The group seems to have given up on any attempts to get "Jersey Shore" off the air, which is potentially much more damaging than "Pants" is. Has the PTC even seen what Snooki does on weekends?