Morgan Freeman Inhaled Helium and It Was Amazing (VIDEO)

Morgan Freeman Inhaled Helium and It Was Amazing (VIDEO) This is the video you didn't know you needed, but it turns out you really, really needed it.

In a promo for the return of Science Channel's "Beyond the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman," the titular host decided to change things up with his legendary voice and add a bit of chemistry to the equation. Specifically, he decided to inhale some helium.

So if you've ever pondered life's great mysteries, like "how did the universe come into being?" or "how did life begin on earth?" or "what does Morgan Freeman sound like after he inhales helium?" then you've come to the right place.

The bit looks to be an actual clip from the show, during a segment that discusses scientific studies about gravity. But none of that is important, really. What's important is that Morgan Freeman sounds like a chipmunk.

Check out the video below: