More Lindsay Lohan Drama... Was Her Court Sentence a Ruse?

More Lindsay Lohan Drama... Was Her Court Sentence a Ruse? It just wouldn’t seem right to wrap up a week without a little Lindsay Lohan drama.

Two weeks ago, Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in a lockdown rehab facility after she pleaded no contest to charges of lying to police about a car accident.

However, TMZ is reporting that there is no such rehab facility.

Apparently the deal was struck in lieu of jail time by Lohan’s lawyer Mark Heller, so that Lohan could fulfill her sentence in a New York rehab facility.

The problem is, there are no non-jail rehab facilities in the United States that will take patients against their will (or, apparently, as a mandatory sentence).

Prosecutors are reportedly discussing what to do in light of this information, without a decision yet made. Options include rehab, or jail—90 days in jail was the original sentence, as it is. Judge Jim Dabney, who was clearly under the impression that Heller could arrange this lockdown, will more than likely have to sign off on new arrangements.

Currently, Lohan in is Brazil promoting clothing line John John Denim. She was spotted over the weekend crying under a nightclub table with her dress up revealingly high after fans tried to take her picture (Lohan was paid $100,000 for her appearance), and partying hard on Friday night.

Her estranged father Michael Lohan addressed the issue in an open letter to her booking agent Mike Heller (the son of her lawyer), which appeared on the Huffington Post.

''I am telling you now if you are with Lindsay in Rio or you booked it, and anything happens to my daughter, I am holding you personally responsible. Judging from what has happened to in the past, and the way she looks down there from the pictures in the media, it's not a good thing. If you have anything to do with her being there, its on you. Count on it.”

Lohan was also in the news after accusations flew that she had taken jewelry from the set of “Anger Management,” where she was guest starring, but Lohan insists she was told to take what she wanted and it would be deducted from her check.