More Celebrities Read Mean Tweets

More Celebrities Read Mean Tweets See, even celebrities can have their feelings hurt.


Because easy access to social media has allowed every foul-mouthed fool with a keyboard to leave nasty comments on whatever they want, whenever they want, “Jimmy Kimmel Live” reveals some of the repercussions those rude comments can have.

Yes, that means celebrities reading mean tweets about themselves.

To their credit, everyone handles it pretty well… that is, except maybe Anderson Cooper, who blows off the person that he reminds of a “dinosaur” with a well-chosen expletive.

Also probably best for Twitter users to note for their future nasty tweets… do not, I repeat, do not tell “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston that he is a little pudgy around the middle. Seriously. Say only nice things to Bryan Cranston.

But the other celebrities… Jessica Biel, Christina Applegate, Kirstie Alley, Selena Gomez, Larry King, Dr. Phil, Simon Cowell, David Arquette, and the rest of the group, all admirably laugh off the tweets.

Especially Jessica Biel, who does a pretty impressive equine impression.

So what can you expect?

Poor Selena Gomez reads off, “@selenagomez is on the radio right now. Is there a volume lower than mute?"

“Sorry,” she murmurs.

Or how about, “I saw Larry King at dinner! But it might just have been a run of the mill goblin.”

Check out the video here… and remember, folks. If you’re going to make a rude comment… at least make it kind of funny…

One more thing: there’s a difference between “your” and “you’re.” Quick grammar lesson: you’re an idiot because your writing/acting/face sucks.

Your insults will have more kick if you can use basic grammar skills. You’re welcome.