'Mom' Season 3, Episode 9: 'My Little Pony and a Demerol Drip' Recap

'Mom'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'My Little Pony and a Demerol Drip' Recap Things are going very well with Fred. Bonnie isn't thrilled that Christy is being a lady, however, and hasn't slept with him yet.

At 2 a.m., Candace shows up drunk to yell at Christy. She also tells her that Fred goes through women like tissues and he'll be done with her soon. Candace is also jealous of the attention Christy is getting from Fred. She passes out on the couch and Baxter comes to get her in the morning.

Christy goes to Fred's house and ends up calling Marjorie to ask her if she thinks it would be okay to sleep with Fred. She's not entirely sure she's doing it for the right reasons. Marjorie tells her to wait, if she's not totally confident.

Christy decides to wait. So of course she sleeps with Fred. It's amazing.

She tells everyone at A.A. how happy she is lately, and how great her life is going. She, Fred, Bonnie, Baxter, and Candace share an awkward Sunday brunch, where Candace's jealousy is obvious. Even Christy seems to feel bad for her when Fred teases her rather mercilessly. She nearly cries, and Christy has them change the subject.

Later, she wonders if maybe how Fred treats his daughter is partially why she turned out so bitchy. She tries to talk about it with Fred later, but he is dismissive. He is actually very rude to Christy and tells her she's in no position to critique his parenting. She informs him he's a dick and leaves.

Candace comes over and rubs the breakup in Christy's face, thinking Christy is lying about being the one to end it. Christy just hugs her.