'Mom' Season 3, Episode 10: 'Quaaludes and Crackerjack' Recap

'Mom'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'Quaaludes and Crackerjack' Recap Things are awkward at A.A. now that Bonnie has slept with Steve, and she's considering trying another meeting group. She and Christy go to the gay meeting across town, which is stylish and right up their alley. They run into Christy's Aunt Jeanine. "Aunt." Bonnie maaaay have also had a relationship with her when Christy was young.

Bonnie flees the meeting, after promising to catch up. She explains to her friends later that she and Jeanine had a relationship for about a year and lived together. However she was pretending to be in love to keep a roof over their heads, as she and Christy were living in their car. When Bonnie realized things were getting serious, she and Christy snuck out and disappeared.

Marjorie thinks she owes Jeanine and amends. Bonnie goes to her and apologizes, and Jeanine agrees to just call it even, since she mostly kept Bonnie drunk the whole (two years) time, knowing she wasn't really into it. The two let it be water under the bridge. They wash up the dishes, and Jeanine asks if Bonnie ever had feelings at all for her. Bonnie admits she did. The two kiss.

She sneaks in late, but admits to Christy that she ended up sleeping with Jeanine. But, it was nothing. Christy wonders if Jeanine knows this.

Bonnie comes home from work another night and finds Jeanine in the kitchen, cooking up a meal. Bonnie is forced to explain to her that their little fling meant nothing, and she doesn't want to get back into a relationship.

Bonnie goes back to her regular meeting, where Steve apologizes for scaring her away and hopes they can be friends. Jeanine shows up and tells her that they can't be a mistake. Bonnie kisses Steve to make a point, but Jeanine also kisses her, and she goes back and forth.

Bonnie tries going to the Spanish A.A., but of course she's slept with someone there also.