'Mom' Season 1, Episode 4: 'Loathing and Tube Socks' Recap

'Mom'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'Loathing and Tube Socks' Recap Bonnie and Christy, fresh from Mexico, smuggle drugs back into the U.S. Bonnie makes Christy take the fall for a brick of drugs in her bag, and suggests security do a body search.

Christy wakes from her dream. She calls Bonnie to yell at her.

The next morning she calls back and apologizes. She goes to get her son ready, but finds Roscoe still not dressed. He has no clean underwear. Christy goes to see if Violet has a pair Roscoe can wear.

Violet says she's going to need money for new jeans. Christy tells her she has a job, she has to get the jeans herself. On the way to school, she stops and buys Roscoe new underwear. The store, however, won't let her use the bathroom so Roscoe can change. She holds up a towel and tells Roscoe to change, yelling at the clerk.

At work, one of her customer tells her she'd be prettier if she smiled. Her temper already up, she hears them insulting her and almost loses it.

Christy goes to A.A. and meets Marjorie, who asks about her sobriety. Christy asks if she's ever had a day where everyone is an ass, but Marjorie points out maybe she's the one who's the ass in these situations. Christy realizes she is being terrible.

She tries to blame it on her mother, but Marjorie reminds her she's an adult now, and she should let things go and be happy. Christy meets Bonnie for lunch to apologize again, and offers to buy her lunch. Bonnie mentions that Christy should buy Violet some new jeans, but Christy notes this is where her dream comes from - Bonnie never has her back.

Christy does all of Roscoe's laundry. She apologizes for not being on top of laundry, and Roscoe reminds her they also basically have no food in the house. She helps him with his puzzle and tells him she'll be there for him no matter what.

Christy buys cheesecake to suck up to Violet and her boyfriend. Luke takes Christy's side, irritating Violet. She sends him outside and asks her Mom if boys gets smarter over time. No.

Christy apologizes to Chef Rudy at work for being so on-edge lately. She apologizes to Gabriel too, but he takes it wrong, as her missing him. She reminds him that the two of them are done.

The man who told her to smile before calls her over, horrifying her. He apologizes to her for what he said before. Christy wishes she hadn't spit in his food.

Back at A.A. Christy thanks Marjorie for what she said to her, and notes that everyone got nicer when she started being nicer. Bonnie comes to the meeting, and there's a clear coldness between her and Marjorie. Marjorie tells Christy if Bonnie is her mother it's no wonder she drank.

Christy goes back to the store to apologize to the clerk who wouldn't let them use the bathroom. He begins to cry, and hugs her.