'Mom' Season 1, Episode 15: 'Fireballs and Bullet Holes' Recap

'Mom'  Season 1, Episode 15: 'Fireballs and Bullet Holes' Recap Christy asks Marjorie how chemo is going, but she wants to change the subject. Christy tells her about finding her father. She admits she is afraid to talk to Alvin about the truth.

She goes to his shop to speak with him and overhears him yelling at an employee. Reluctant to speak with him while he's angry, she still goes in. She sees Fireballs on his desk, one of her favorite candies. She blurts out her mother's name and that she is his daughter.

Alvin is floored. Christy asks if they can get to know each other. Alvin says no, he can't do it. He has a family. He apologizes, but he can't start anything up with her. She leaves, and then bursts back in and throws things around before departing in a similar show of temper to his own.

She tells Bonnie what happened but Bonnie can't stop making it about herself.

Baxter comes in with Roscoe, who ran into a tree while playing football with his dad. Christy is emotional that Baxter was spending time with his child.

At work, Christy has a customer on a "daddy date" with his daughter. He explains they go out once a month to spend time together, and he wishes he had more time with her. Christy tears up and gets hustled out by Gabriel before making a scene.

Alvin goes to the house. Violet answers the door but not knowing him, dismisses him pretty quickly. He runs into Christy on her way back in, but she shoves past him and goes inside. In a moment she comes back out and she tells him to buy her an ice cream cone.

He does. He apologizes for how he acted at the garage. He admits he has nothing to say about what happened at her birth. He was very stupid and selfish and frightened. He thought about her all the time, but shame made him stop after a while.

Christy says she's not sure how she and Alvin can connect until he makes things right with Bonnie. He goes to the house to talk with Bonnie, who is still furious. She begins yelling at him about how he broke her heart and left her. Bonnie says Christy wants to know him and she won't get in the way of that but if he hurts her she'll kill him.

Alvin works on Christy's car, which is so old it can barely be salvaged. Christy asks to call him Dad, which he is ok with, but panics when she asks to meet his family. He explains he hasn't told them anything about her yet and Christy screams at him for being spineless and sends him off.

That evening, a horn honks outside. Alvin has a car for Christy that he got at a police auction and fixed up. She says she can't be bought... but the windows roll down, and she meets her half brothers who are waiting inside. Alvin says he wants Christy in his life. His wife is furious but she'll get over it. Christy goes to drive her new car and meet her family.