'Mom' Season 1, Episode 14: 'Leather Crib and Medieval Rack' Recap

'Mom'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'Leather Crib and Medieval Rack' Recap Christy apologizes for waking Bonnie, who is still sleeping on the very uncomfortable couch. Bonnie's phone goes off, fallen in the cushions. Christy shoves her aside and tries to grab it, but Bonnie realizes the couch is a pull-out sofa bed.

Bonnie won't talk to Christy for a while. She finally tells Christy she will be gone by the end of the day, since it's clear she is not welcome. Christy invites her to stay and use the bed. Bonnie agrees, though her trust has been shattered.

Later, as they make up the bed, Bonnie's phone goes off in her purse. Christy gets it for her - and finds a big wad of cash. Furious, she storms off to her room with it.

The next morning Bonnie calls a truce and brings breakfast in for Christy. The two decide to come clean about everything they've been hiding. Bonnie admits to a lesbian affair with Christy's "aunt." Christy admits to stealing a kilo of hash from her mother's car.

Reluctantly, Bonnie gives Christy the big one - the name of her father, Alvin, who she has always claimed not to know.

Christy and Bonnie get in the car. He's married with two kids and owns a body shop. She shows Christy a picture.

Violet tells Roscoe to take out the trash, but he refuses. Luke steps in and the two send him to his room as Roscoe calls Luke names. Luke wants to spank him... Violet informs him they will not be raising their child that way.

Bonnie and Christy eat at a diner across from Alvin's body shop. Christy asks for the story. Bonnie says she was 16 and with her 5th set of foster parents. It wasn't a one-night stand. They lived together for two years. He was so excited to be a dad, he even made a crib of leather. When she went into labor, Alvin left the hospital, however. She waited at the hospital for two days and he never came back.

Christy works up the nerve and goes to the shop. She meets Alvin, and tells him she's considering getting her car painted. She sees a photo of his family and talks to him about his sons. She ends up hugging him and leaves.

She's upset on the drive home. She tells Bonnie she choked on telling him the truth. Bonnie admits there's one more thing she has to tell her - she's 2 years older than she thought.