'Mom' Season 1, Episode 12: 'Corned Beef and Handcuffs' Recap

'Mom'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'Corned Beef and Handcuffs' Recap Christy is having lunch with Bonnie when Chef Rudy comes in. Christy tries to avoid him, but he sees them and comes over. He remembers Bonnie, and joins them. He hits on Bonnie before leaving.

At work, Chef Rudy asks Christy about his chances with Bonnie. He asks her to call her up, and flirts with Bonnie over the phone, inviting her out.

Chef Rudy comes to pick Bonnie up, insulting Christy's whole family in the process, and even the dinner Christy has made.

Rudy takes Bonnie grocery shopping, and they return to his house so he can prepare her some sample plates. He confesses he didn't go to culinary school, only worked at a Denny's in Boston and dropped his accent. He goes to pour her wine, but she tells him she's allergic - every time she drinks she breaks out in handcuffs.

He blindfolds her and feeds her tastes, and then they kiss.

Bonnie goes home the next morning on her "walk of shame." Christy yells at her for being easy, but Bonnie says she thinks she and Rudy can really go somewhere.

At work, Christy tells Rudy that no matter where things go between him and Bonnie, they must maintain a professional relationship. He tells her he has no plans to pursue a relationship with Bonnie. He puts it on Christy to tell Bonnie.

Christy goes home and apologizes to Bonnie for what she said that morning. Christy tells her Rudy doesn't want to see her anymore. Bonnie admits she should have known better. Christy asks if she's going to do anything crazy, and Bonnie blows her off. Christy goes to take a shower and Bonnie takes the baseball bat and goes out.

Rudy comes home to find Bonnie in his house. She tells him she wants to hurt him emotionally. She starts throwing around his fancy bottles of wine from his collection, and smashing them with her bat. He begs her mercy, and she has him crawl to her and suck her toes.

Christy comes out of the shower to find Bonnie missing. She goes to Rudy's, and sees the red wine all over the floor and thinks it's blood. She hears Rudy upstairs yelling at Bonnie in the bedroom in his Boston accent, and flees.

Bonnie and Christy enjoy the fancy basket of food Rudy has sent over. He calls and leaves a message for Bonnie, declaring his servitude and devotion.