'Modern Family' Star Jesse Tyler Ferguson Gets Engaged

'Modern Family' Star Jesse Tyler Ferguson Gets EngagedModern Family” star Jesse Tyler Ferguson has gotten engaged to his boyfriend of nearly two years, Justin Mikita.

The two revealed their engagement in a video they made for TieTheKnot, a foundation they’ve created in support of marriage equality.

The video starts off with a terribly rhymed but oddly catchy song about the states that recognize same-sex marriages.

Ferguson drops the bomb after some smile-inducing labels he attempts to place on Mikita, which Mikita rejects with amusing off-screen commentary, like “lover,” “concubine,” and “young ward.”

Finally, he settles on “fiancé,” which seems to satisfy Mikita.

“It’s true, I dropped the big Q!” Ferguson chirps.

“The definition of marriage cannot be disputed, it’s right there in black and white and it’s been the same since the start of Wikipedia. We want our interpersonal relationship to be acknowledged in a union formalized via a wedding ceremony," he says.

Ferguson goes on to discuss the ties that the organization will be selling to raise funds for the support of gay marriage. The cute and quirky ties the two are designing will be available on thetiebar.com.

In a statement Ferguson made to Us Weekly, he said, “Justin and I created Tie the Knot in the hopes that we see a day when millions of Americans across the country will have the basic civil right to marry the person they love. When people purchase our bow ties, they’re raising funds that will help support marriage equality, and they’re doing it while looking damn good."

 “Who wouldn’t want to see us get married?” Ferguson asks to close out the video. “We’re as cute as puppies… puppies in bow ties.”

And then he offers the deal-sealing image of a flippin’ adorable puppy clad, yes, in one of the organization's great bow ties.