'Modern Family' Editor Live-Tweeted the Worst Airline Passenger Ever

'Modern Family' Editor Live-Tweeted the Worst Airline Passenger Ever Elan Gale's "Diane in 7A" may have been fake, but this story of a terrible airline passenger is so horrifying that it just has to be real.

"Modern Family" editor Ryan Case was on a flight from JFK (New York) to LAX (Los Angeles) where she was stuck behind quite possible the worst airline passenger ever. Mind you, that's a pretty long flight. So, what was Case to do?

Live-tweet the whole incident, of course!

Case started by noting that she was sitting behind "the worst person in the world." This was determined by the fact that the girl was listening to an episode of "Hawaii 5-0" so loudly on her headphones that her seatmate told her to turn it down.

But that was only where it began.

"She apologized in the loudest, drunkest voice ever "SORRY ITS MY 1ST TIME NOT IN 1ST CLASS" & hasn't stopped talking since," Case tweeted.

From there, the passenger started saying racist things about Arabs to her Arabic seatmate, talked about how she goes to Dubai all the time and rides around in Range Rovers, and not only hit on her seatmate (to whom, we'll remind you, she just said a lot of racist things about his own race), but also tried to kiss his neck.

According to Case, the offender (who we later learn is named Nadia) was so belligerent and rude that she was met by police when the plane landed.

Head over to Buzzfeed for a play-by-play of all the tweets in chronological order!