Miss America Was Kicked Out of Her Sorority for Hazing

Miss America Was Kicked Out of Her Sorority for Hazing Miss America has some explaining to do.

In order to be crowned Miss America, contestants have to have (among other things) a squeaky-clean resume with practically no dirt to dig up. It looks like Kira Kazantsev doesn't quite have that.

According to reports, the new Miss America was kicked out of her sorority, an Alpha Phi chapter at her alma mater of Hofstra, for a hazing incident. At the time, Kazantsev was the head of recruiting for the chapter.

Hazing has become an issue that many frats and sororities have been facing more punishment for lately, as rituals become more and more extreme, on occasion putting pledges' lives in danger. Most recently, a Cal State Northridge student died during a frat hazing incident in which he collapsed after being forced to hike on a trail with no shoes or water.

The incident at Alpha Phi likely wasn't that serious, but it was apparently enough to have Kazantsec terminated from the chapter. However, the Miss America organization is standing by her side.

"Kira has been very open and candid about her termination from the Alpha Phi sorority," said a spokesperson for the Miss America pageant. "It's unfortunate that this incident and unsourced allegations have been exploited to create a storyline that distracts from what we should be focusing on: Kira's impressive academic achievements at Hofstra University, including earning a triple major from the Honors College and her commitment to serving her community. Kira is an exceptional ambassador for the Miss America Organization, and we are excited to be a part of her journey as a force for good across our nation, promoting education and service and working to empower young women."

It's nice of the organization to so easily forgive and forget, especially considering that the pageant took away Vanessa Williams' crown after nude photos of her surfaced. Apparently the line between upstanding citizen and bad role model is the amount of fabric it takes to make a bikini, and has nothing to do with abusing other humans for entertainment.