The Miss America 'Factoids' Were Really, Really Weird

The Miss America 'Factoids' Were Really, Really Weird Last night, Miss New York won the "Miss America" pageant, and we're sure that at least two or three New Yorkers actually cared.

But we're not here to talk about who won, or which evening gown was the best, or who had the best bikini body.

No, we're here to talk about factoids.

You see, last night's Miss America broadcast featured fun facts about all of the contestants, displayed at random times throughout the talent portion of the competition. So in addition to the weirdness of one of the contestants singing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" with a ventriloquist dummy (that actually happened), we also got a little factoid about how she wanted to take Al Roker's job.

Another contestant was revealed to be a fan of "street hot dogs." Who isn't? Another, during her rendition of the intensely religious "Via Dolorosa," had a pop-up in front of her that simply read, "Loves giraffes." Who doesn't?

We have to assume that the contestants all supplied their own factoids when they filled out whatever form one fills out to be in the Miss America pageant. And yet, we can't help but wonder who would write that she was both "attacked by a cheetah in Zambia" and was also "always picked last for kickball."

Our favorite, however, is this one:

That takes guts.

See more of the strange captions below: