Mischa Barton Testifies in Revenge Porn Case

Mischa Barton Testifies in Revenge Porn Case

Mischa Barton appeared in a Los Angeles courtroom on Friday, June 30, to testify against her ex-boyfriend Adam Spaw amid her "revenge porn" case.

The New York Daily News reported that a judge allowed the actress, 31, to testify even though Spaw was absent due to a family emergency. His attorney appeared instead as Barton plead her case for a permanent restraining order.

During her testimony, Barton claimed that Spaw has been "lurking" around her neighborhood. She also alleged that he made several copies of a "doctored" sex tape that was recorded by a different ex without her consent. "I definitely feel he's been stalking me," she told the judge, according to the Daily News. "I look over my shoulder all the time when I'm walking. He's intimidating. He's 6-foot-4. I would be terrified to see him."

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Mischa Barton has appeared in The O.C.