'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 2: 'The Other Dr. L' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 2: 'The Other Dr. L' Recap Mindy video chats Casey, who is having a bad day (a baby bat flew into his mouth). Mindy has a whipped cream bikini planned for him.

She comes out, decked out in a one-piece. She begins being sexy, but notices ants on her and panics.

At work, Mindy hates being called “Big L,” and notices that Dr. Leotard has his stuff all over her office, and he refuses to remove it. Mindy runs to Jeremy and asks him to fire Paul.

Danny and Jeremy refuse. He’s a good doctor and patients love him, and since Mindy was supposed to stay in Haiti, the office really belongs to Dr. Leotard. Danny tells her that he invited Paul to stay in his apartment with him when he was with Christina, but now that Christina is gone, he’s not kicking Paul out. That’s the right thing to do.

Jeremy shows her the “new” office: a supply room.

Danny tells his employees he’s going to the post office and will be unreachable by phone and text. Jeremy notes it’s the third time this week Danny has vanished with some lame excuse. Jeremy follows him and finds him playing basketball with other single guys (including Kris Humphries and Mindy’s ex, Tom).

Morgan brings files to Mindy’s new office, and she makes him linger and talk to her, but it just bums her out.

At the bar, Morgan tries to boost Mindy up as they stare at Paul, who is apparently perfect. Mindy does find out he is a lightweight while drinking. Mindy challenges him to a shots-off challenge. Paul struggles, and finally goes down.

Jeremy tries to talk Danny out of his new friends. Tom throws away drinks sent over by ladies. Mindy runs over to tell Danny about winning the challenge, and Tom notices her engagement ring. She tells him about doing their relationship long-distance, and he accuses her of looking for men while Casey’s away.

Mindy ends up taking Paul home because he’s too drunk to help himself. She can’t find his keys, so she plans to leave him on the stoop. She admits he’s not as bad as she thought he was, and when he passes out, kisses him on the mouth. Paul begins to yell and Mindy races off.

Christina finds Paul pantless in the hall as she drops off some of Danny’s stuff. She hoists him up and brings him inside.

Paul hurries to talk to Mindy in her office, and confesses he had sex with Christina. She tells him he’s going to die in about 15 seconds when Danny finds out, but he blames it on her and her shots, and she agrees to not tell.

Danny brings Paul a hangover breakfast sandwich. Paul quits the practice. He lies and says he joined the army. He and Mindy try to hustle off, but Danny notices that they’re acting chummy and speaks to them in private. He accuses Mindy of having sex with Paul. Danny yells at Mindy for being engaged and starts insulting her, and Paul blurts out the truth.

Danny punches Paul and they fight. Morgan and Jeremy run in and break it up, and Danny insists they fire Paul. Again, Jeremy won’t, so Danny quits.

Mindy finds Danny playing basketball and calls him over. She tells him he has to come back to work. The sad men in his club will never get over their heartbreak, but he can. Kris Humphries tells Danny he needs to go, and they hug.

Paul Leotard puts in his resignation, and Mindy gets her office back.