'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 9: 'How to Lose a Mom in 10 Days' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'How to Lose a Mom in 10 Days' Recap Danny and Mindy enjoy a bath together, but when Annette barges in, Mindy is forced to hold her breath and duck under the water. Annette has been more... present... since Mindy and Danny got serious. She seems worried Mindy will become Danny's "number one girl."

Morgan has been dumped by Tamra, and thus moved his desk into Peter's office to avoid her. Mindy discusses the Annette situation with Peter, and, per his advice, sets up Annette with an older doctor in the building.

Danny finds out that Annette is going on a date, and is furious. Mindy insists he is part of the problem, holding on too tightly to Annette.

The date goes well. Annette leaves Mindy a message that she is going on another date. However, when Mindy runs into the doctor, he says Annette isn't returning his calls. Morgan, who has set up a dating profile through Peter, finds Annette in his matches. She is online dating.

Mindy, concerned that Danny is going to kill her, goes to talk to Annette. Annette, however, is having the time of her life dating. Mindy fails at talking her out of it. She appeals to Morgan and asks him to take Annette out and make the doctor look good in comparison.

Danny apologizes and tells her she was right. Also, his mother seems happier lately.

Annette, in the meanwhile, goes out with Morgan, and calls Mindy to tell her she is done playing the field... she wants to settle down with Morgan. Mindy rushes to work and finds Morgan playing catch with Danny, preparing to be his father. He refuses to leave Annette.

Danny and Mindy go to dinner with Annette to talk with her, but she brings Morgan along. Danny pulls her outside for a lecture on being a good Catholic and she confesses that she didn't date while Danny was growing up because she felt too guilty. She didn't want to bring another man into the house who could disappoint her sons as their father did.

Mindy consoles Morgan, who is still smarting over Tamra. Tamra bursts in, having been told by Peter that Morgan was on a date, and attacks Mindy. She asks Morgan to take her back, but Morgan, who has been bolstered by Mindy's pep talk, refuses.

Annette goes out with the doctor again, and Tamra moves her desk into Peter's office.