'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 8: 'Diary of a Mad Indian Woman' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 8: 'Diary of a Mad Indian Woman' Recap Danny and Mindy clash about who gets to be on the right side of the bed. They compromise by sleeping Ying and Yang style, but when Mindy decides to tickle Danny's feet, she gets kicked in the face.

In her glittery pink eyepatch, Mindy yells at Danny for never spending the night at her place. Danny reluctantly agrees to spend the night there.

Dr. Fishman wants to see Mindy. She gets reprimanded for having Peter fill in for all of her shifts with the interns, with Jeremy forging her signature and is reminded that in a teaching hospital, she is supposed to be teaching. She has to start that night, and give the women a strong role model.

Danny goes to Mindy's, and she tells him she had a strong woman of color take her place - Tamra.

Mindy gets an angry call from Dr. Fishman, who has already figured out what is happening and is not at all pleased. Mindy goes to the hospital, leaving Danny to fend for himself in the apartment he hates.

While investigating a strange vibrating noise in Mindy's nightstand, he stumbles on her diary. After some debate, he reads it, finding plenty of stuff about her crush on him when they first met. When Morgan comes in for "turn down service," he startles Danny, and he spills his red wine on the diary.

Mindy does rounds with the interns, while a pushy know-it-all named T.J. tries to answer everything. Mindy tries to mentor a quiet nervous student named Candice, but T.J. continually butts in. He tries to take over the surgery, but Mindy puts him in his place, and talks Candice through her first successful surgery.

Morgan says the only way to save the diary is to have someone re-write it who can forge Mindy's handwriting... Jeremy. The next day Danny begs Jeremy to help him. The guys continue reading, and find an anecdote where Mindy thought Danny was about to propose to her. She explains that she's not getting younger and if he doesn't propose by Christmas she may have to move on. Danny flips out.

Dr. Fishman tells Mindy that T.J. has filed a sexism complaint against her. Mindy finds T.J. at the gym to talk to him. Mindy explains that the other students need opportunities as well. She tells him to apologize to Candice. He goes to do so, and Candice kisses him.

Danny consults with his mother over the issue. She tells him not to string a long a girl her age - if he's not going to propose, end it. He gets a text from Mindy that she's going to sleep at her place, and races to pick up the completed diary and get it back to her place before she finds it missing.

During rounds, T.J. lets Candice answer the questions, but she's so smitten she's not worth much. Mindy notes she has made Candice worse and broken T.J., but Dr. Fishman thinks Mindy has done good with T.J. in teaching him to be more humble and allow the other interns a chance.

Danny manages to get the diary into the drawer just in time. When Mindy comes home he talks about the "pressure" and "timeline" of sleeping at her place. Mindy is confused. She says she's exhausted and needs him to decide - stay or go.

Danny decides to go. He leaves, and then comes back in.