'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 6: 'Caramel Princess Time' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 6: 'Caramel Princess Time' Recap Mindy is late for a movie, as usual. Danny is furious. When she finally arrives (pretending she has been there all along), the movie is sold out.

She's also late to work the next morning. Danny yells at her - they have been dating seven months, and she is late for everything.

Dr. Jean Fishman pulls Danny aside and tells him there is a mental health seminar at the hospital for at-risk workers, and she wants him to attend.

Tamra decides to set up Peter with her best friend Abby, and lonely Peter is on board.

Mindy goes to an Italian comedy show, thinking she has arrived before Danny. She texts him, and finds out that he refused to wait for her and left. The comedian takes her phone and tells everyone she is fighting with her boyfriend, and she gets heckled out.

Peter goes to meet Abby, thinking she is black and gorgeous, but finds Abby is just an average-looking woman. He makes up an excuse to leave.

At work, Mindy is trying to give Danny the Silent Treatment. Tamra backs her up - they are pretty caramel women, and people wait for them, so they can become princesses. In the argument, Danny declares he will never be late.

Tamra yells at Peter for standing up Abby. He says he said he expected her to be a physical match, and she points out that she IS. She says Abby will be at the bookstore, and Peter needs to go speak with her.

While Danny is asleep, Mindy resets his watch. In the morning, as she is leaving for work, he is on his morning jog. He is furious she tricked him, and jogs to the clinic. He gets there on time, and throws a major victory dance. Jean observes, and mandates that he go to the mental health seminar. A seminar run by Brendan.

It's also on Saturday, which is the day Danny runs his mother around on errands. Mindy offers to take her instead.

Peter goes to the bookstore and finds that Abby is doing a book signing, as she is a historical romance novelist. Peter reads her book in line and finds that he enjoys it. When he gets up to talk to her, she calls him a jerk.

Danny's mom and her friend Dot are taking forever to get ready, and Mindy is starting to get annoyed. Finally they go get their hair done, and then arrive at Annette's mammogram an hour late. Mindy has to call in a favor to get them into the appointment. Annette decides she doesn't want to go in, and Mindy explodes on her. She and Dot begin to cry.

At the seminar, Danny is not being forthcoming. Finally Brendan gets him to talk, and he admits that when he was young, his father never showed up for a movie he was supposed to come to. He wonders why you would keep someone waiting, if you love them.

Peter goes to Abby's writing group with a really terrible story as an attempt to make it up to Abby. She breaks down and agrees to go out with him again.

Danny goes to Annette's, where Mindy has been locked out on the front porch. Mindy apologizes for making him wait all the time.