'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 5: 'The Devil Wears Lands' End' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 5: 'The Devil Wears Lands' End' Recap Mindy is pulled over after a wedding. She cries and gets out of a ticket.

Mindy, Danny, and Morgan are late to a hospital meeting, and make a scene entering. Dr. Fishman, who is in charge of scheduling the hospital use, gives them all the graveyard shift as punishment.

Mindy decides to befriend her and try to get them out of it. She brings a cactus and invites Jean Fishman out for a girl's night on the town, as she is new to New York. Jean agrees.

Peter needs a beer pong partner for the Dartmouth alumni competition, as his friend backed out. He tries to train Morgan but it's hopeless. Jeremy, however, is abnormally good at beer pong, and offers to help. Peter decides to put their differences aside for a bit and they partner up.

Mindy's night with Jean goes surprisingly well and is fun. At the end of the night, Jean kisses her.

It at least got them off of graveyard shift, but Mindy is at a loss of what to do. Danny insists she tell Jean the truth.

Peter and Jeremy go to the party, where Peter's nickname is Leftie (because of a sprained wrist, he tells Jeremy). Jeremy fakes an American accent and fits right in. They play beer pong vs. Shonda Rhimes and win. Shonda asks about Lauren, and when Peter says he's not with Lauren anymore, she notes "it happened again," and everyone chants "Leftie." Peter goes off to be alone. Jeremy checks on him and Peter explains that he is called Leftie because his girlfriends always leave him for one of his friends.

Mindy goes to tell Jean the truth, with Danny in tow, and as she is apologizing for the kiss and explaining that she is straight, Jean's wife comes in and overhears.

Later Mindy calls Jean to apologize again, but Jean is furious and says her wife may leave her. Mindy amps up the drama and says Danny is threatening to kill himself. Jean and her wife, Deb, rush over to help, and Mindy begs Danny to lie. He's reluctant, but finally fakes drunk and jealous.

Peter and Jeremy win all the beer pong and are the alumni champions. Jeremy requests that Peter get a new nickname, and choose his own. Peter panics and picks "Diarrhea."

Jean and Deb talk Danny "down," and he agrees to forgive Mindy on certain conditions. Deb agrees to forgive Jean as well.