'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 4: 'I Slipped' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 4: 'I Slipped' Recap Danny is amazing at surprising Mindy with romantic things. Until he surprises her with something she's not interested in... claiming to have "slipped" in the bedroom and putting something... somewhere that... well, hopefully you get it.

Mindy is furious and doesn't buy his claim that it was an accident.

No one wants to talk to Jeremy, being on Peter's side of the Lauren incident. Morgan is doubly angry, as no one came to his graduation from nursing school.

Mindy asks Peter about the situation, and Peter assures her that Danny was lying about slipping. She goes to Danny and tells him she will believe him... if he swears to God it was an accident. He claims that his eyesight is not as good as it used to be, and blames it on that.

She drags him to the doctor, who assures Danny that his eyesight is fine. Danny is forced to admit that he was trying it on purpose, assuming Mindy had done it before after all her stories about how wild in bed she is.

Mindy consults with Peter again, admitting that she's something of a prude and worries she is boring Danny in bed. Peter offers to talk her through some stuff to try. After he demonstrates some things on a skeleton, Mindy decides the easiest thing to do is just try the thing Danny wants.

Morgan finds Jeremy sad and lonely in his office, and invites him to dinner, even though he is #teampeter.

Mindy apologizes to Morgan for missing his graduation party and brings him a gift. She also wants him to prescribe her a sedative so she can get through the unpleasantness.

That evening she dresses up nice for Danny, puts on some music, and slips a sedative into her scotch. Danny sees what is happening and tries to reassure her about their relationship, calling it "comfortable." That has the opposite effect it's supposed to, and she chugs her drugged drink.

Morgan has dinner with Jeremy, but it is, in fact, a "Parent Trap" situation, and he leaves Peter and Jeremy to work things out, after Mindy texts him that the sedative isn't working. However it starts to kick in and she suddenly decides she and Morgan should go on vacation together.

Peter and Jeremy fight, and Peter throws his water on Jeremy. Jeremy retaliates throwing the nearest liquid, but Peter's face catches fire and burns off his eyebrows.

Mindy, getting super loopy, tries to seduce Danny, but hallucinates that the bed is flying, and falls off of it. She is taken to the hospital, where they are certain Danny has roofied her. She tells them all what happened. Danny tells her that sometimes a guy just wants to try something, and he hadn't done it before.

They agree to try things together, consensually.