'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 21: 'Best Man' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 21: 'Best Man' Recap Peter's getting married! He returns to the office... things got weird with his best man at the bachelor party, and he needs a new one. He asks Mindy, who happily accepts.

Mindy's parents are moving to India for a year, and are having a going-away party in Boston. Mindy asks Danny if he will go with her, and finally meet her parents. He agrees and says he will come up after his procedure.

Peter asks Jeremy if he will come to the wedding, but Jeremy pretends he is too busy.

Mindy calls Danny from Boston to see where he is, but he has been held up, and missed his train. Mindy still presses him to come, or to come in the morning, but he is reluctant. Mindy says it's okay for him to stay in New York, and he misses the party entirely.

Later he suggests that he can meet them when the baby is born. He wants to send them flowers as an apology for missing their party, but Mindy won't let him. Peter catches her in the lie, and presses her on it. She admits that her parents don't know that Danny exists.

Danny always seemed hesitant to commit to her, she tells Peter. She was planning to finally drop the bombshell on her parents in Boston, but when Danny bailed...

Peter asks who they think knocked her up, and she says just someone she dated. Morgan overhears, of course, and thinks that Danny is not the father of Mindy's baby.

Mindy goes to see the other doctor Peter recommended for her, and finds out her blood pressure is too high for her to do much of anything, which will disappoint Peter because it means she can't go to the wedding.

Danny brings Mindy to his mom's house for a surprise baby shower... lacking in Mindy's side of the family. Annette has a surprise, though. She got her parents' e-mail, and tries to set up a Skype.

Morgan interrupts to unleash the "lie" of the shower. He brings in all of Mindy's ex's, claiming one is the real dad. Mindy is forced to admit that her parents don't know about Danny, hence the confusion. She and Danny fight about how he wouldn't put the effort into meeting her parents. She refuses to introduce another boyfriend to them if it's not going to work out.

Danny says he was afraid her parents would ask why they weren't married. Annette doesn't see the problem, but Danny says he's not sure they have to get married... or if he wants to.

She and Danny go speak in private. He admits he was relieved when she turned down his initial proposal. He loves her but not marriage. Mindy is crushed.

Annette and Danny fight, and she realizes he has become too cynical. She tells him the problem wasn't their failed marriages, it was their choices in partner.

Danny tells Mindy they will talk after Peter's wedding, and goes to Texas for it. Mindy drafts a letter to her parents about Danny, but doesn't send it. Morgan calls her to scold her for not coming and to sulk about Jeremy being the new best man, and she finds out Danny isn't at the wedding...

Instead, Danny has flown to India to find Mindy's parents, and tell them that he loves her.