'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 16: 'Lahiri Family Values' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 16: 'Lahiri Family Values' Recap Danny thinks they need a "quickie shame wedding," though Mindy doesn't find that prospect particularly romantic.

She is happy, however, when Danny says he will move to San Fran with her. He's just not sure how to break the news to Jeremy. He is adament that no one know Mindy is pregnant just yet, as it is so early.

Rob and Mindy are denied for a small business loan because of Mindy's credit. The apartment she co-signed for her brother is causing problems. The loan can only go in Rob's name.

Morgan overhears Danny changing his will to include Mindy, and concludes that Danny is dying. When Danny tries to tell Jeremy that he is leaving the practice, Jeremy misinterprets, and the truth doesn't come out.

Mindy goes to see her brother, whose door is papered with eviction notices. She drops the news about the baby, and wants to help him get back on his feet. She says she will hire him at the new practice.

She finds out, however, that he's currently supporting himself with drug dealing. She demands he quit, so he goes to his boss and returns to tell her he won't let her out. She rushes in to confront him, and finds out that he's actually a stylish business-type, and offered her brother a raise. Mindy threatens Rishi, who reluctantly quits.

At work, Danny's employees are trying to hold a ceremony for him, everyone now convinced he is on borrowed time. He figures out what is happening, and tells them that they are mistaken - he is moving to California. When they protest, he blurts out that Mindy is pregnant.

Mindy goes to talk to Rob, and as she is speaking about hiring Rishi, she manages to convince herself that family and second chances come first. She changes her mind on the practice, and tells him she'll pay him back but she wants out. She calls up Cliff, who is moving out of the building, and tells him she wants his office.

She's going to start her own practice.