'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 15: 'No More Mr. Noishe Guy' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 15: 'No More Mr. Noishe Guy' Recap Mindy loves California, but Danny hates it, and when he visits, he never wants to go out. Determined to make him like the place she now thinks of as home, Mindy drags him out and gets him to admit it's not so bad.

Rob wants Mindy to set up a fertility clinic there. Rob wants Danny to come as well. She says she will discuss it with him - but they only have 72 hours to put an offer in on the building Rob wants.

Lauren broke up with Jeremy and is going to move to Texas. Peter overhears and thinks this means the end for him and Lauren.

Mindy flies home to surprise Danny, so they can talk about Rob's offer. However Danny takes her and shows her a brownstone that he bought - for them. He's ready to finally put down roots. He brings her in to look around - it's a dump, but Danny's excited to fix it up for them.

Mindy goes to her office, but no one seems all that excited to see her. She talks with Peter about Lauren, and encourages him to do something about how he feels. He chases Lauren to the airport and tells her to think about them, because he wants to be with her. He goes back to work and tells everyone he's going to quit and move to Texas.

Danny is furious with Mindy for accidentally encouraging this. Mindy texts Rob and tells her she has to stay in New York. Poor Rob has already quit his job and bought the building, so will be totally screwed, but Mindy doesn't know this.

Mindy throws Peter a going-away party, and talks to him about how badly Danny reacted to Peter's news. She knows she can't say anything about what she wants now without him freaking out. He thinks he is doing what she wants. Peter reminds her it's okay to change your goals in life, and tells her she needs to be honest with Danny.

Rob shows up at the party, and seeing the "Bon Voyage" sign, vocally thanks Mindy for changing her mind about moving to California and starting up a practice.

Peter finds Danny at the brownstone and they talk about the situation. Peter reminds Danny that home is where the person you love is.

Danny and Mindy agree that they're not sure what they want to do. Peter leaves. Mindy goes back to California, and gets a call from him (her best friend but also her doctor). He tells her that her lab results came back from her exam - she's pregnant.