'The Mindy Project' Season 3, Episode 1: We're a Couple Now, Haters! Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 3, Episode 1: We're a Couple Now, Haters! Recap Mindy and Danny are dating... officially!

And Mindy can't shut up about it, as Danny finds when Peter comes to him for advice about... mouth stuff.

He tries to confront Mindy about it but they are late for a meeting run by Lauren and Jeremy, who are doing a charity intiative for the office called Doctors Without Molars.

Back in the office they run into Morgan's Cousin Lou, who has been hired on to do IT. He hits on Mindy without shame. Danny ends up pulling Mindy into a closet and telling her that she can't discuss their sex life with everyone, and she needs to cut back on the gossiping.

Staying late at work, Danny secretly observes Jeremy giving Lauren a backrub as they work on the charity paperwork.

As a reward for keeping quiet all day, Danny tells Mindy about what he saw. As she is going through his drawers looking for one of his shirts she can wear, she finds a pink thong with "Diamond" on the rear. Danny freaks out and refuses to talk about it, though Mindy assures him it's okay to have stuff from his ex's.

She tries to talk to Peter about what happened the next day, but remembers Danny's warnings about gossiping, and stops. Peter, however, is poised to buy Lauren a pair of huge diamond earrings. He thinks he loves her.

Mindy tells him not to buy them. Peter asks about the "stripper thong," and Mindy realizes it unsnaps.

Danny awaits her at the charity event, but she is late, online trying to track down strippers named Diamond. Morgan comes in and catches her, and she confesses everything. Morgan points out that it's a man's thong. Mindy changes her search, and finds pictures of Danny... or, "Diamond Dan."

Even before Mindy gets to Lauren's for the event, Tamra knows about Lauren and Jeremy "hooking up," and Danny finds out that Mindy blabbed. They go into a room to confront each other. When Danny realizes Mindy knows he used to strip, he's eager to let the issue drop. As they fight, he tells her he doesn't trust her with his secrets.

At the party, Cousin Lou has been getting in on the drama and gossip of the clinic, and informs Peter that Lauren is fooling around on her boyfriend, not realizing who he is talking to. Peter goes to speak to Lauren in the kitchen, and she admits that she and Jeremy kissed. Peter goes to find Jeremy, and punches some of his teeth out.

Later, Morgan brings Cousin Lou to Danny's, and makes Lou return Danny's wallet. He also manages to confess that he turned Morgan in and got him sent to jail (during a story about the importance of honesty).

Peter and Jeremy talk, and Jeremy admits he wants to see where things go with Lauren. They tussle.

Danny finds Mindy on her balcony eating popcorn. She's not sure how their relationship can work if he doesn't trust her. Danny reads a list of his secrets for her. She admits that she thinks she tells everyone about them because she worries it's not real.

At the end of the night, Danny does a strip tease for her.