'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 9: 'Mindy Lahiri is a Racist' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 9: 'Mindy Lahiri is a Racist' Recap Morgan brings in a dog to test his new arm bite guard, tired of being bitten by rescue dogs. Betsy releases the hound, which goes straight for his junk, and Tamra tranqs Morgan repeatedly instead of the dog as planned.

Morgan chases Mindy down the street, trying to placate her with a donut, but she is furious. Cliff is now dating the girl down the hall and not her.

They get into the elevator, with Cliff, and Mindy asks how Heather is. She makes a comment and Cliff realizes Morgan did not delete his texts.

The practice has a surplus, and they debate about how to spend it. The midwives come in, wanting to put up posters of the candidate they support for congress, but they're turned down.

Peter goes to talk to Mindy about how he feels that no one is listening to his business ideas.

Danny is thrilled that the practice made it to a popular Mommy blog. As he reads on, however, he realizes it's a white power website for moms.

Another day, they hear the midwives preaching. They find them outside, renouncing the racism in the building. The senior partners go outside to confront them and defend themselves.

They bring in Priscilla Lane the top PR Consultant in the city. She decides to give Danny one-on-one training on what to say since he is the subject of the blog, and Tamra and Mindy will write statements about what a great place it is to work.

Morgan is hurt that Cliff thinks he is a bad person, and goes to talk to Peter about it. Peter said he probably just wants to beat him up.

Tamra and Mindy go to dinner to work on their statement. Unfortunately, Tamra brings her boyfriend Ray Ron along for the free meal.

Priscilla and Danny argue over PR. It gets heated, and they end up making out.

Mindy hates Ray Ron. She sends him out to smoke, and tries to connect with Tamra about breaking up with him and being with someone more like her. Tamra gets mad and walks out.

The midwives are still campaigning to destroy Shulman. They bring up someone who has experienced their racism first-hand: Tamra. Danny goes up, though Priscilla doesn't think he's ready yet. Priscilla argues with him and he accidentally mentions having sex with her into the microphone. She storms off. The midwives bring sexism in as well. Danny realizes they're trying to steal clients.

In an effort to appease Cliff, Morgan brings in a large man to punch him. However Cliff steps in front at the wrong moment to stop it and gets knocked out.

The midwives have gotten a rally going, with news vans and everything. The congressman they want comes as well. Peter claims he went to school with him and can talk to him, but when they beg for his help, realizes it is the wrong guy.

Morgan bandages Cliff up.

Mindy goes to talk to Tamra, telling her she is horrified Tamra thinks she is racist. Tamra admits she knows she is not racist, but her feelings were hurt, and Mindy disrespects and looks down on the people who work under her.

Mindy goes up to interrupt the speeches. She tells them they are not racist, and they help women in need. She mentions Peter's idea of a mobile unit for low-income districts, including those in the congressman's area. The crowd is appeased.

Peter gets promoted to senior partner. Probationary.