'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 8: 'You've Got Sext' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 8: 'You've Got Sext' Recap Morgan tells Mindy she looks terrible. She's been working non-stop, she doesn't have time. They get on the elevator with Cliff and his hot date, runner-up Miss Universe.

They get off at their floor, but Morgan makes Mindy stay in the elevator and think about the stupid things she said. She and Cliff are supposed to be together, he points out, but she's ruining it.

Everyone is having Friday night "Date Night" but Mindy. Danny suggests she stay at a hotel, but she has lost her purse. She declares she's going to hang out and spend the night at Danny's.

Hanging in the lounge, Peter and Morgan find Mindy's purse. Cliff is texting her, asking how her delivery went. They decide they need to text him back.

Danny and Mindy hang out, walking around the city. He asks about her current crush interest, and she says they work together and he's out of her league, plus they just fight when they hang out. Danny clearly thinks she means it is him.

They go to his building and as he gets his mail, a woman in his building he has slept with comes to talk to them. Mindy pretends to be his fiancee.

Morgan and Peter are texting Cliff, and decide to add in winky faces. They get one back.

Mindy builds her fake romance story for Danny's neighbor, which includes a pregnancy. Mindy tells her that her name is Chloe Silverado.

Cliff agonizes over how to respond to the winky face and finally asks what Mindy is up to. Morgan and Peter decide to escalate things.

At Danny's apartment, Mindy reads and puts her feet on Danny, but he gets uncomfortable. He puts her on the couch to sleep, making it very clear she can't have the bed. She joins him, however, as he watches the Nature Channel in bed. Danny gets flustered and tells her they need to talk - elsewhere.

They go into the living room and find the woman from the lobby sitting creepily in the dark.

Cliff texts "Mindy" regarding what they are both wearing, and things get heated. Cliff says he's going to come over, and Morgan and Peter panic. When Cliff gets to Mindy's apartment, they are both there, throwing a "Veteran's Day Party" with random people they have dragged in from the hall, including Heather.

The neighbor declares Danny was sleeping with her while Mindy was pregnant. Mindy claims she must hear every painful detail, and then declares she is going to stay with Danny. She finds out that Danny gave Amy a key, and basically the two acted like they were in a relationship. Mindy chews him out for treating Amy like a girlfriend. He admits he was lonely. Mindy forces him to tell Amy the truth, that he was lonely and he dragged it out. Danny accidentally calls Mindy by her real name, and Amy is suspicious. Mindy hugs Danny and he relaxes into their fake relationship. Amy notices it is genuine.

Cliff texts "Mindy" trying to figure out where she is as Morgan and Peter stall. Peter pretends that Mindy is in the shower. Cliff finally says he is leaving. Peter shoves Heather, who is super chatty, at Cliff. He excuses himself and goes to the bathroom. He knocks and tells her he just wants to get to know her better. The most exciting text he got from her was the first one.

He realizes the bathroom is empty. Morgan and Peter fess up. Cliff goes off, and Heather catches him and invites her to her place. Morgan notices. He had his eye on Heather. He tells Peter the texts are already deleted.

Danny makes Mindy breakfast. He tells her that the guy she has a crush on is not out of her league. She is pleased, and says she will call Cliff and ask him out. He's surprised.

Mindy finds her purse on her desk, with a note from Morgan. She pulls out her phone. There's a voice mail from Heather telling her about hooking up with Cliff... and all the texts from Cliff.