'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 6: 'Bro Club for Dudes' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 6: 'Bro Club for Dudes' Recap Mindy finds the male doctors playing with toy guns after hours. Peter takes Mindy hostage for "wings and stings," where the boys... eat wings and shoot fake guns at each other.

Mindy gathers everyone together to show them a design for turning their empty patio space into a serenity garden. Peter suggests that instead they put up a basketball hoop and grill.

Later she trips over Morgan and Peter fighting on the floor.

Betsy approves of Mindy's more feminine ideas. She talks with Tamra, who agrees, and also mentions that her boyfriend of 20 years hasn't even noticed that it's their anniversary. Morgan overhears and swoops in to invite Tamra to hang out with him.

Mindy goes to talk to Danny about why Peter doesn't like her. Danny tells her Peter just needs to get to know her. He suggests she take Peter out for lunch.

She does. She takes him to the American Girl Cafe. Peter admits he thinks she is self-involved. She only wants to do thinks that she wants to do. The guys at the office use him to stand up for them all so they don't always have to do what Mindy wants.

Angry, she goes to Danny and demands he fire Peter. He tells her they're going to Ultimate Fighting, and that she should come and pretend to take an interest in their hobbies.

Tamra and Morgan put lights up in the new serentity garden. He invites her out for dinner, but she tells him she's still with Ray Ron.

Mindy calls Jason, telling him she will be late because she's meeting Danny. She goes to the arena, where men are beating the crap out of each other. It's Peter's first fight in MMA, Mindy realizes. The boys drool over the ring girl, who Mindy recognizes and goes to talk to, ruining her hotness level for the guys.

In a back room, Ray Ron finds Morgan and attacks him.

Mindy, Jeremy, and Danny try to pump up Peter and get him angry for his fight, but Mindy tells him that his ex got engaged, deflating him. Peter goes into the ring crying and gets beat to pieces. Mindy goes to the ring girl and asks to get in. She talks to Peter and tells him he needs to quit. He refuses, so she gets him angry at his ex.

Morgan tosses Ray Ron in the trash after their fight, and Ray Ron breaks down crying about Tamra. Morgan takes him to task about being a bad boyfriend and he promises to try harder.

Inspired, Peter is doing better in the ring. For a time. Mindy stitches him up at the office, and tells him if he ever wants to gossip about ex's, she'll listen.

Jason comes to work, and breaks up with Mindy.

Mindy takes down her serenity garden, and puts up a basketball hoop.