'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 5: 'Wiener Night' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 5: 'Wiener Night' Recap Mindy is on a plane when her television goes out. She screams there is an emergency and she cannot be alone with her thoughts, she is coming back from an enemy's wedding. She speculates that the man who sits in the empty seat will be her soulmate.

A large man in a hockey uniform sits (Kevin Smith!), but he's in the wrong seat. An attractive guy comes up and points out that he belongs there.

He and Mindy begin to flirt. He's an arts and culture writer for the New York Independent. He asks her out.

At work, Morgan is scolded for telling personal stories, as Mindy busts in and announces she met a hot guy. She shows them his picture in the paper, and Jeremy recognizes him as Jason Richmond, who, he notes has incredibly high standards. Jeremy becomes jealous that Mindy gets to hang out with him. Danny notices the paper and panics for some reason, grabbing it and running off.

Danny has noticed an ad... Christina is having an art exhibit, featuring the naked pictures she took of him.

Jason and Mindy watch a movie and then discuss it, though of course Mindy prefers chick flicks.

Around the city, Danny notices there are ads for Christina's art show papered all over.

Jason walks Mindy home and they kiss. She asks him to come up, which he notes is a nice surprise since there doesn't seem to be much of a future there since they have nothing in common. Mindy finds this offensive, and notes that she is very cultured. She tells him to go.

In the elevator, Brendan meets Peter, and tells Danny that he's excited to see his show. Peter immediately rushes in and tells everyone the news... Danny is the subject of a nude art exhibit. Everyone agrees they need to go. Peter decides they'll stop and pick up hot dogs beforehand and dub the night "Wiener Night."

Mindy asks if she can bring the snobby guy to Wiener Night. She wants to prove to him that he's not better than her. Mindy calls Jason and informs him that she's going to this show.

Danny goes to the lawyer, trying to figure out what he can do about the photos. The lawyer decides he should probably go to the show to determine if there's any legal loop holes...

Mindy drags Danny to the show, telling him he has to prove to Christina that it doesn't bother him.

They all go. Betsy becomes enamored of Danny. Mindy chats with the lawyer, Cliff, who has been hired to shut the show down even though he's a divorce lawyer. Jason comes in and meets Cliff. Cliff mentions a girlfriend.

Danny begins to get hammered as people are buying the art. Cliff tells him he doesn't have a case... unless the public could view the photos from the street. He winks at drunk Danny.

Mindy stands between Jason and Brendan, who are analyzing the photos, and tries to sound intelligent. Jeremy wants an introduction to Jason, but gets flustered.

Danny has arranged one of the nudes to face the street, and phones in a 911 call for lewdness.

Mindy is still trying to connect with Jason. Christina comes up on video. The photographs change - all the pictures have devil horns and tails, etc. Mindy hits the lights and yells at everyone for pretending this is art. Drunk Danny goes up there as they boo her, and begins to take off is clothes as Mindy tries to stop him. The police arrive.

Cliff has to step in and chat with the officers. Jason has left.

Mindy finds Danny sitting outside on the curb, smoking. She throws his cigarette away and tells Danny that all these people came to see his hot body. Danny notes that he really likes the lawyer, as a hot lady compliments Danny on the photos. Mindy encourages him to go talk with her.

Mindy, eating a corn dog and watching an online video of a baby startled by its own fart, finds Jason on her stoop. He apologizes for being a snob. He sings some Katy Perry for her. They kiss.