'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 3: 'Music Festival' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 3: 'Music Festival' Recap Pastor Casey is back.

His church welcomes him back, and he tells everyone that he got engaged to Mindy. Casey tells his congregation that he's following his heart, and he owes it all to Mindy... he's leaving the church and becoming a DJ.

Mindy comes home weeks later to find her kitchen nearly on fire while Casey mixes music with his headphones on.

Jeremy looks over resumes for someone to replace Dr. Paul Leotard. Mindy suggests that they bring in Casey but that gets shot down. They don't want Mindy's "house husband" on payroll.

Following an exquisite smell, they find a young man dropping off a resume. His name is Peter Prentice. He hits on Mindy, but can't believe that she's a doctor. He offends Mindy and admits the reason he was fired from one of his jobs was because he got drunk and had sex with the Christmas tree at the office party.

Mindy tries to talk to Casey about how little he's doing, and he tells her he got a job DJing at a music festival. He thanks her for being patient with him.

Jeremy isn't thrilled to be left behind to pick up patients while everyone else goes to the music festival.

Mindy is not enjoying the festival, but Danny is excited for his favorite band to go on later. Morgan gets a suspicious cupcake from a girl with a headband. Mindy suggests Casey maybe just consider music a hobby, upsetting him, and he storms off.

Jeremy and Tamara run the hospital as Jeremy stress eats.

They find Morgan stoned out of his mind. He tries to do a cannonball onto the grass and breaks something. They take him to a medical tent but it's chaos.

Mindy texts Casey that she might be late to his set. Danny and Mindy take over medical work at the tent.

Jeremy pleads for help at the office, but gets rejected. He finds Peter hanging out in the lounge waiting for work, and brings him to assist.

Mindy tells Danny to go watch his band, she'll take care of the tent. She admits that she and Casey are in a weird fight. Danny tells her that yes, he thinks DJing is dumb, but that she needs to go, and not be a dick. She'll see in Casey's eyes if it's what he wants to do.

In the delivery room, Peter calms a father who is freaking out. Jeremy is impressed.

Mindy goes to see Casey's set. Everyone starts dancing, and Casey sees Mindy. He has the crowd bring her forward. Afterwards, Casey has a group around him, and Mindy runs forward to tell him he was amazing, and she is proud of him. Casey admits he wasn't connecting as well as he thought he would... he was focusing on the poorly designed venue. He doesn't want to DJ. He wants to event plan.

Danny is upset that he missed his favorite band, but his friends have a surprise for him... the band. Morgan whispers that there's one small thing: he got the band to come by telling them he was planning to propose to Danny. He proposes and Danny reluctantly accepts as the band serenades them.

Jeremy hires Peter on trial basis.

Casey thinks they need to move to Texas so he can go to event planning school. Mindy notes that he'll just change his mind again. She already moved to Haiti with him... when will it stop?

Casey asks if they're breaking up.

Mindy gives Casey his ring back.